Brown spots and slight leaf curling, any help appreciated

Hi guys,

Just looking for a little help with a few issues I’ve noticed recently.

Growing runtz and a couple of zkittles under mars hydro ts 3000. Bio bizz all mix using bio buzz feed chart. On week 2 of flower, hand watering at 6.2 getting run off of between 6.1 - 6.5

Noticed a cal mag deficiency a few weeks back so have been supplementing with cal mag 1ml to 1 litre. Also raised the lights as I feel ut May have been light intensity to cause the cal/mag issue(have seen others with similar problems when using led’s)

But now noticed a few brown burn marks around leaf edges. Also have slight yellow tips and leaves starting to curl on a runtz and both zkittles (they are pretty close to the fan so wondering if that’s being caused by wind burn. Also there is a bit of mildew appearing on some of the damaged leaf, no sign anywhere else yet.

i ran a couple litres of tap water through yesterday incase of nutrient burn but any help would be appreciated.


It could be wind burn. It looks like you are in soil, bump your pH to 6.5. The plants look good overall, remove the offending leaves and carry on.
Welcome to OG @birchy90!


Overall the plants look good, but I think you’re seeing the beginning of powdery mildew, since you mentioned it’s for sure on one (that I also see). Get the ventilation cranked, humidity way lowered, and airflow (circulation fans) pumped up so the fans are oscillating and blowing on each plant. Perfect time to defoliate. Do all that and keep the humidity under 60% at all times and you should be fine.



Very much appreciated. Thanks for the reply.


Sounds good! Thanks for the reply and appreciate your comments. Will do all of the above and add another fan. Was considering spraying either some watered down milk (heard this is a good organic solution) or a mildew spray. Or would you wait to see how upping air circulation and defoliating goes first?

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No problemo! Definitely wait to spray. I’d avoid spraying anything considering how deep you are into flowering. Anything you spray now will be smoked in the buds, which I personally prefer to avoid at all costs. Spraying is a last resort!


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This is what I think:
Drop the biobizz chart to half dose, usually biobizz in the ammounts they say burn your tips, I use same nutrients and soil and I only use half dose, deppending on strain.

About the brown spots, maybe a ph difference or you check ph every time? If so remove damaged leaves and carry on.

Over all looking good, in the future use only half dose and the let us know, how it feels to spend less and yeld more… Wink

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Right ok makes sense why I’ve got the yellow tips then maybe. Thanks will try halving the feed and see how they get on.

Haha yes bonus all round. Thanks for the advice.
Will let you know how I get on :+1:t3: