Leaves Curling lengthways, Tan Spots and Low Humidity Help?

Soil FF Happy Frog 70% 20% Coco Coir 10% Perlite
Watering PH 6.4 (upped 1 water ago from 6.0)
Nutes - 1st Feeding 48 Hours ago with CalMag 1tsp/Gal (Week 8 from seed)
Farmers Lab Seeds - White Widow Fem
Lighting - 600watt MH just changed 72 Hours ago from (300watt Mars LED on 150watt Veg setting)
Lighting Cycle - 18hrs on 6 Off
Temp - Now 78 Deg Lights on 64 when off Before with Mars: 70 Deg while lights on 64 when off

Leaves are curling lengthways and one of the plants have tan spots on the leaves. The leaves themselves feel very dry, my humidity is very low, around 40%. I’m having trouble keeping the humidity up as the carbon filter exhaust fan is running very high to keep the temps from the big light down. Could low humidity be causing the leaves to curl like that? If so maybe I should switch back over to the Mars until I can find a better solution for the heat?

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Those “spots” you mention looks like burnt tissue to me, humidity might be too low for them. Can you mist them with a water spray? I always put a fan pointing directly below the lamp to dissipate the heat. Is it too close to that plant? Don’t see any deficiency apparently but let’s wait for other opinions … beer3|nullxnull


The taco’ing and spotting on the leaves says magnesium deficiency to me. Possibly calcium deficiency too. Very common when growing under led’s.

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Could be, but that would happen in all the plants and leaves hum|nullxnull, not locally in just a few … beer3|nullxnull


Looks like nutrient deficiency to me. Happy frog is pretty void of nutrients.


You need to start feeding them some nutrients. Happy frog sucks in my opinion. If they have been in those pots for 8 weeks im sure whatever good stuff was in that soil is pretty much depleted. Also, under leds i start feeding cal/mag as soon as i have 3 fingered leafs.

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They look hungry listen closely you’ll hear them screaming I AM HUNGRY FEED ME :crazy_face:
Just MHO
Get like 20/20/20 npk or similar

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This is not my experience. Different deficiencies or excess will show at different area’s of the plant(s). This has actually been really helpful for me.

From consulting this and looking back at the pics, looks like the splotches could be Manganese that is the issue. You can make out the dark blue/green veins with interveinal chlorosis. but like others have said, it’s probably more likely the Happy Frog soil has been completely depleted and just feeding with full spectrum nutes should take care of it. ^^


Thats what i was thinking

Peace out and stay safe

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