Brown spots near veins of leaf

My Gut feeling on this is too much water a little bit of fungus might be trying to pop up Then again you have a ton of amendments going on and you have some Chelation going on shouldn’t be smelling any Mold smells though Mold smells Reminds me of an old freezer chest that’s been off for awhile and you cracked the lid open and got a whiff it’s like a dead body you will never forget it.Let her dry out a bit in between watering but don’t let them droop if you can unless you want to test them out to see if they will get PM some of them like to get PM if you let them droop it causes drought stress and the plants immune system drops letting pathogens get a shot at them ie: Powdery Mildew ect.Half of everyone’s problem is getting the hang of the watering cycle you have to dial that in or it will cause issues.It will all come down to your environment and what your system can handle


I don’t think you may have a root problem, in that case you would start to lose the lower leaves and the rest would have several deficiencies, not the case. Watering with diluted peroxide can fight root rot and fungus but it will kill all the microbiota, good and bad microbes, so your nutrients in soil couldn’t be processed by the roots:

Let them dry between waterings, don’t add any more nutes and keep an eye on them … beer3|nullxnull


Get a soil probe the PH tester sucks on them but the moisture monitoring is second to none.Stick it in get a reading then pop it out and clean the probe.This will save you on the guess work.My last one lasted me 6 years and probably still worked till I chucked it when I upgraded to a single probe.Try and get a single probe the double will bend when it hits stiff roots and will cause kinks in the probe points.You have a lot going on in that grow I’d hate to point you to another piece of gear but this one is very important over watering causes all kinds of feed issues getting a bead on it now will save you some pain


@FirstCavApache64 I have been running a skewer down right before watering. Maybe 10 holes per go. Do you do way more holes/aeration?

@smokenhike Hey I’ve been doing 5tbsp every 2 weeks in 5gal pots. The other 2 plants have a few burnt tips but overalls fine. Just seems the big one having issue. This did start happening as I increased the watering amount from four 16.9oz bottles of water to 5 & 1/2.

@CapnCannabis Yea man, she got thirsty compared to the other 2 so I started giving more water, more often. Sometimes I’d add an extra bottle a day early, just to make sure she didn’t droop. I’d say I’ve let her droop almost every watering so far… I’m having a hard time figuring out the schedule for this 1 plant. The other 2, np. Fingers crossed no PM, I’ll take your advice get a meter. Any suggestion for specific model?

@George thanks buddy will do!


That’s more than what I do, but hotrodharley on RIU does his everytime he waters with good results. I do it once or twice a week depending on how tight the root mass is. If I’m leaving plants in Solo cups or 1 gallon pots for a long time I do it a little more often.

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This one here is a good one they make longer ones for deeper pots or you could take the shorter one.There’s a bunch of these thier all pretty much the Same unless you get a digital those I haven’t used yet I’m a dinosaur and I hate change I tell Tim bottoms to keep the 3 cents all the time


As long as your plants are in fabric pots, roots are air pruned and with enough oxygen available, making holes may damage root mass while cutting them… beer3|nullxnull


@gonzo, the idea of aerating before watering just sounds too good. Along the lines of a temporary Vents, once the liquids absorbed

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I had to get away from the fabric pots I was having hell with the water on those.I’m finding out bigger larger pots at least 15 gallon like the totes I’ve been using have been easier to keep up on the water 3 gallons of water lasts 4 days in low humidity on flower.She has been drinking like a pig lately


They have their pros and cons, you’re right about more drinking, but that is because they’re more aireated so water evaporates,which means for me more oxygen for the roots and less overwatering, no root bound or roots tangled around while transplanting, less weight, more easy to manage with the handles, Ogers use them more … ejem|nullxnull


I was thinking root, with the damage being internally showing, not external. That close to veins and not edges…

I was beginning to think you were a hypochondriac, but now with something starting to stink, perhaps you have a plethora of problems.

Well I definitely am that too.

3 days later…

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That pic reminds me of one I saw recently, you may have a wrong pH in your soil:

Remember I asked you to do a slurry test, maybe you will find out your pH is way out of range … hum|nullxnull

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I will do a slurry test @George, how exactly do you conduct that? I did recently switch from DeerPark water to Walmart Spring water, doh!

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You will have to use pHed water with no nutes on it, check ppm and pH before, then while watering let enough water pour out so you can measure again and compare … beer3|nullxnull


Update: it’s spread everywhere, plant isn’t drinking as much & the branches flopping all over the place, like they are losing support ability. I’m gonna try to overwater tonight to run a ph test like @george suggested


Good to know, don’t forget to also check ppm in that runoff … beer3|nullxnull


Does that work with organics? I get runoff from 1200-3000 with Dr Earth dry amendments depending on what stage of growth and when I’m checking. I thought ppm in runoff was mainly for chemical nutes in sterile media, I very well could be wrong…I often am according to my wife😁


Not saying you are, I was just curious frech|nullxnull, on last pics I saw what could be a Sulphur deficiency, so if that soil has enough nutrients inside as it seems, those deficiencies could come from pH out of range or nutrient lockout.

Anyway, that runoff ppm would confirm me if soil has enough nutes or not, having every info available always helps with a diagnostic, I know I should stay away from organics (I’m on the bottle side) but I can’t stand it … :sweat_smile: