Matos420 grow log with autopots (ReverseGenetics and RobinhoodSeeds)

Seeds from Reverse Genetics strain name is TopG and also have seeds from Robinhood Seeds and the strain name is Frozen Bag.

I have been sitting on this autopot setup with air domes for almost 2 years , for some reason I procrastinated setting it up, super easy setup by the way. I’m loving the automation and should have set it up the day I brought it home .

I’m trying out some living soil this time around, not my first time with organics but it is my first with bagged living soil , i chose Next Gen Soil called Kryptonite .

I have done a fair share of topping and am on the fence weather to use a scrog or not . I grow in a 7x7 space with 4 240watt 301h meijiu lights .

I am shooting for a 8 week veg but I’m in no rush .


I’ve used thus soil as well and I was happy with how it performed. I did water in some castings around week 4-5 for a last boost of food. I would use it again


I was definitely anticipating that , I have a couple products from green planet I plan to use.:+1:


Lol better late than never! You’re gonna love them. Looking awesome so far, definitely following buddy!


I’ll just pull up a seat if you don’t mind. I’m very interested in seeing the progress. I think I would probably go tie down rather than scrog with that space but that’s just me. :green_heart::seedling::pray:


Thanks pal


I typically tie down , I have always hated the idea of doing a scrog in this space so I will probably take your advice :+1:


Same. I’m about to run a couple 2x4 tents and thought it would be easier to trellis being it’s a bit more confined. But as you, I usually go tie down as well in larger spaces


We are all happy here , couple plants I have my eye on and will definitely take some cuts from .

I’m enjoying the autopot systems relaxed style of growing while keeping the plants short and bushy with some lst and keeping the lights nice a close.


Your plants are looking well, thats encouraging, I’m just making the transition over to autopots, I’m running dtw and autopot atm but there’s no difference that can see.

I expected dtw to be a bit better but not that I can see in regards to plant health.

Autopot ^^^


Right on man , are you using the air domes?

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Hey bud, no I don’t here have the air domes.

I was thinking about trying the platform thingy for inside the pot but at £10 each I just wouldn’t pay that for what it is, it’s too easy replicated with some bobbins and corex lol

They look good with the dome but its another £70 to furnish 4 pots with them.


I got the air domes for 9 bucks each , I looked at making them but with the time and material I would have to purchase I decided to just buy then .


I’d forgotten about them it’s been that long since I used autopot/trays but I’ve got the old version of a air dome’s called air cage’s, basically its a 3" mesh pot with a T piece onto leaky tubing which you connect to the pump.


Sounds more or less the same as what I’m currently using. I absolutely love the autopots , I go out of town every other weekend so this is a great piece of mind for me .

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I growing in living soil but I have some green planet nutes on hand if I need.


Flowering soon , everything going smoothly.
The four larger plants are Robinhood Seeds - Frozen Bag and the 5 smaller plants are Reverse Genetics - Top G.
I normally clone everything but I have decided just to finish up this grow and move on , normally i would Reverse anything i really liked and make some seeds but it takes time and i have some
seeds acquired her on OG that I want to grow next.


Looking good. I understand about finishing em up. Great job thus far! :clap:


All 9 pots have air domes.

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