Brutal paw f2

I got 3 females out of 3 bpf2 beans.

I have a clone, and also re-vegging my favorite-

It’s so fast, stinky, and STICKY…

More pictures on the way


Great trich production, it will double up on fanleaf edges like a waterfall. Hence the reason some fan is left on at cure to wrap small buds tightly in leaf.


Your back. Haven’t seen you around lately. :smiley: :+1:


Beautiful, great work. The Sativa Phenos go around 80-90 days. Indica leaners will show deep chunk Jurassic Park leafs. And a short compact plant with super dense chunks loaded with oil and trichs. I have 20 - BP S2 in three phases to start a selection. Here’s a 7 and 9 leaf Sativa leaners. And green and brown Phenos. So far I’m liking the 7 leaf for taste and attributes of the Original Monkey Paw. Here’s the Sativa leaners and an Indica.

BP S2 Sativa 9 leaf

Much chunkier, denser and oilier 7 leaf pheno

And the Indica chunks


First nice plant of it I have seen, that’s a beautiful healthy plant, lots of lush vigor…


Interested to hear what your thoughts are on smoke and high. You have the 7 leaf which is pheno I lean towards as the Paw. Also the Black Willy and Brutal Paw should be a savory oily…I’ll start posting weekly again. Love seeing results and all the ladies popping up, great work!!



Thank you so much for your kind words. I love this type of information, especially with visual aids.

Great to see you back!


A well cured bud of the 7 leaf variation showing the stacked calyx fingers still on the top stem…Monkey Paw? I’m loving the smoke very complex and lingering long. Not as syco reactive I remember but then again I wasn’t smoking 1/2 oz a day of 20%+ strains.
It is the quality of the buz that makes this strain special, one of those that has your mind questioning how high you are and then laughing that your soooo fucking high your talking to yourself. if your a gamer it’s like 4D, all senses and coordination on point.

20 testers coming down the pipe in the next few months. Real happy with taste of both Phenos and the cure is bringing out the AG in its lineage, where I believe the “trippy” ness comes from. The two plants I have curing were 4-5’ in 3 gallon pots. Topped twice with a 70% stretch in flower. BP7 is dense and chunky with huge calyx’s that become the small hard dark, orange hair covered nuggets.


Great work!

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Very interesting bud structure-

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I flowered my 3 seedlings before they were mature.

I still have my favorite plant-


Starting to bulk up, smells fantastic-

Hard to describe, but I’d call it close to durban poison…

Fans are getting frosty-


I’ll have a few coming down the pipe this weekend, like the structure but the nodes are too far apart. Next batch will be trained for around 16 tops and the stretch controlled with LED light distance and foliar spray during the veg cycle.

Vegging all plants up to around 2’ before flipping now on.


I think this will be the pheno I’ll be looking for, screaming Sativa with all the long pistils and narrow bud structure very much like the AG that I ran at the beginning of the project except these buds are forming very dense kolas as the hairs recede on her sisters who are at least 3 weeks faster again leaning towards a 90 day Sativa Pheno which I am hoping will pulllout some more of the psychedelic Mexican properties that are still locked in the genes.


Here’s a side cola shot of my plant-

Does not look like it’s going to stay narrow…


Looking good , there are some Deep Chunk leaners that are very tasty and more sedative. Yours has nice thin fans with 9 leaf which I have found have a more Sativa buzz hitting in the chest then migrating to behind the eyeballs.


Still chugging along-


Buds on the f2 are hairy and hard as pine cones, also taking on a more Sativa looking bud structure.
Tastes of one is grapefruit with a sweet finish. As much floral and herbal as it is citrus.


I spotted some suspicious growth

So I took a closer look-

I noticed grenade style growth on lower buds, no signs of intersex…

Starting to notice the fade

Seeing some purple on fan edges, under the frost…


Those are looking great! She will bulk up and fade late. Tops will turn to hard snow caps.

The Sativa leaners are shooting pistils for a third time and buds are like immature pine cones and just as dense . The have a grapefruit taste early, keeping with the yellow fruit terps the others have shown like banana and Papaya on the earlier plant.

Look forward to seeing yield and smoke test on a very well grown plant…love it!

All the plants from the f2 stock have been intersex free and Sensi grows so far. Don’t plan on any pollen floating around until summer.