Brutal paw f2

The last f2 of this run is a week longer than her sisters and is blowing a third set of hairs and a few calyx’s. I think I’m gonna let her eviserate herself of fan leaves and pull it. No chance of fluffy bud with these pine cones.


Well, I wasn’t planning on keeping a clone going-

But after I saw the early frost coverage I cut a lower bud, and stuck it in some seedling dirt with a bag over the cup…

Looks like it’s going to live to bud again…

This one is getting super stinky-

It’s changed into a sweet yellow fruit funk…


Yes as they cure down I’m getting from green banana to grapefruit taste with a honey sweet exhale. Buz starts in the chest and migrates quickly to behind the eyes and headband.

Looking great, love the trich production, water falling off the leaf edge, too cool.


@OGBohab How did that Brutal Paw finish? Any smoke report on it?
Looks great I’m getting super dense pine cone Sativa leaners w7-9 leafs, push multiple Orange pistils radiating out wildly then sucking back into a hard snow cap while it starts again.


Here’s how mine finished up.

So sorry I never gave a smoke report before now, but after 2 rounds of covid my taste and smell still comes and goes, besides being muted now.

I still never took a TB, but have slowed down some and have stayed off concentrates and edibles.

That being said, this plant had strong funk, some earthy and astringent like smells in flower. At this point, it’s been in a jar for 2 months.

I wouldn’t say fluffy but the buds are less dense than I thought they would be during the grow. It still has an earthy and mild astringent smell but doesn’t sting the nose or throat. It has a complex smell I’m not capable of determining.

She smokes very smooth now, with just a hint of lung expansion feeling. A nice earthy taste coats the mouth after exhale, which in turn will lead the dreaded cotton mouth if ill prepared.
A very nice mood enhancing experience,uplifting and just makes you want to smile. It settles into your head and just slowly fades away without a hard comedown.

Sorry I can’t do a better job for you with the smoke report @Instg8ter
I will say that it’s good smoke for sure, because it does the job for me. Even after I’ve been smoking high grade stuff from Cali and Colorado regularly.

Thanks again for allowing us to try these out, I will be running a few of these again!!


Not a problem I don’t get on as much as before, business and life are crazy. Yep your spot on for the more Indica leaners, the F2’s are selected to bring out the columbian and Acapulco golds so far so good. I think the reason we all remember the Monkey Paw around here is because it was different, and yes a bit spongy. The taste was a change from all the Hawaiian, Colombo, and Christmas tree (anything piney) weed. It was an up smiling creative buz. Little pin joint would waste three guys stoned to the bone.

Thanks bud, glad you like it, a gift from Michigan, lots of FIRE being made around here the last 10 years and beyond…



One other thing I forgot to mention is that it is kinda greasy to the touch. Also I let some dry down to under 50 percent and it never got crispy or hard. Soft and spongy, but breaks up nice without turning to dust.


OmG this strain is just making me drool more and more with each post. Definitely something I’d be proud to have in my gardens. @OGBohab You had me at greasy as everything is judged against Bubba. My old greasy, dank absolute fire! Never heard of this before, now I must acquire some! Wowzers


Nevermind, nix that. Soooo, it’s a creation made by @Instg8ter i take it? Well done my friend, very well done. Much respect

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I’ll dig around and see if I have more F2 which is the more Sativa selection but it will throw the jungle plants too since it has a little Katsu Kush and TH Deep Chunk left in its genes until I get past F4. I am bringing out the Columbian/Acapulco Gold trippy creative buz.

pM me an Addy and I’ll get a few f2 and soMe untested x’s with Full Moon Thai and Some other tropicals . It’s an old strain from SE Michigan in the late 70- to mid 80’s or so. Trying to back cross a tribute as cuts and seeds are held tight and in a fog of any linkage and originality, it’s a true, as seed finder says “ legendary strain made from AG x CG x SK1 with unknown origin, breeder or percentages of lineage.



You are awesome my friend and just absolutely made my day! :drooling_face: @Instg8ter


Getting faded-


Great looking snow caps, those will be some tasty nugs.

Nice Job


Thanks again for sharing your genetics-

It’s been fun to grow…

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Brutal paw f2 has been hanging for a week-

Nuggs are nice and solid, when I squeeze I get gassy grapefruit…

Couldn’t resist smoking a couple of hits of a lower.

Extra terpy, very earthy and the high hit right away.

Definitely looking forward smoking this plant, and glad I took a cut-


At about a month cure one plant is like that and another has gone more banana. After I get my outdoor sprouts hardened I will drop 20 for a second selection and in search of a special Male.


Clone of the grapefruit sativa pheno-

Doesn’t seem to mind my hot, humid flower area…


Getting thick-