Bubble bag question

23.5 g of varying grades.


Made some as well tonight, just leaving it to dry by a fan but here’s the stash

I’ll break it up in the morning with a spoon

Bags used were 220(work bag) 160,120,90,73,45,25

5 gallon bucket run and filled it as much as I felt was practical to work with


My trim is mostly leafy. I noticed my first pull was nice and beige but 2nd was green in all bags.using a drill so I think I agitated too much. May stick with 1 pull next time.

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I did two pulls, second pull I pulled out a 3rd bucket and split the plant matter into 3 parts and rinsed the hell out of it into my work bag and squeezed the hell out of it then dumped the work bucket into the rest of the bags and repeat till the 3rd part was gone.

Def pulled more on the second pull than the first doing that. I’ve noticed doing these that if u got a big pile of plant matter in the bucket the hash gets caught up and stuck to the plant matter so splitting it off and flushing it real well with cold water kicks up the yields quite a bit

Once it dried overnight the piles all look the same color and consistent


Cool technique. That’s gonna fluff up to a pile! My 2nd pull stayed much darker after drying. I wonder if that means it’s junk. Quality testing is required!


Best thing to do is take pics of when u immediately put it on ur dry screen or whatever ur using, then do the same on the second pull and compare pics, I personally notice it darkens when it dries.

Color is usually gonna reflect when u harvested and why I usually expect darker stuff cuz I let mine 50/50 amber, gonna be more blonde if picked when just cloudy or sativa heavy trim

Quality is gonna be as good as the trichomes that collected so decent trim gonna usually yield a good product