Bubble bags for vaped weed?

I recently stopped smoking and purchased a Volcano which has led to a shit ton of vaped weed.

I originally had kept it to make some edibles but with this much, I feel like I’d go broke using a solvent like Everclear and simply cooking it in coconut oil would lead to a very diluted oil.

My wife mentioned trying to run it through bubble bags with ice water. I feel like the effectiveness of bubble bags will change because of the trichome changes during vaporization. I could very well be wrong. I’m just aiming to reduce the amount of matter that I’ll have to dissolve into coconut oil.

Have any of you used vaped weed to make ice water hash?

Only thing I’ve ever done with it is cooking. It’s already decarbed. You could just grind it up and put it on pizza and shit. Cooking oil would not lead to a diluted oil. Not at all. Buddy had a pax and vaped a shit ton of bud. We made some good brownies with oil. I put it just the straight AVB in my protein shakes.

Bubble hash would not work. You already melted the trich heads.


Yeah I wouldn’t bother with the bubble bags. I have a low tolerance by the standards of this board but a heaping half teaspoon of AVB gets me fucked up pretty good. It’s not bad mixed into hummus. Peanut butter is a classic but that taste combo doesn’t work for me. I steeped my last jar of AVB in regular ol’ vodka and strained through a coffee filter. Then just today I reduced it by maybe 2/3 then made gummies. Will test one out later today.


I haven’t used my volcano in a minute but I’d always make butter with my ABV. I’d give it a nice wash inside a french press with distilled water before using it though. Makes for some mildly potent edibles.

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How’s he like it? Im in the market for a vape.

Good discussion, thx to all…

The problem is that there really isn’t a whole lot of chems left in the ABV crumbles. If you look at it with a good loupe it looks like a wasteland, Very few intact trics. Hot much to work with.

Best bet is eating it, that consensus is right. Toss a handful in with your granola…

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:

Man, I don’t know if I want to straight up eat it. The taste is horrible.

I’m planning on just running it in coconut oil or butter. I have a family vacation and I’m going to bring cookies for a bunch of inexperienced users so it’ll be a perfect way to off load it.

I would probably look into the Mighty from storz & Bickel over any pax for portable but I’ve always preferred desktop units like Da Buddha / Silver surfer. Good flavor and dense hits for good prices IMO. can also easily attach to a bong or rig.

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I actually had a Da Buddha for the longest time and honestly… I wouldn’t buy one. Granted, it was inexpensive but never performed well at all. The whip would easily pull out of the device, hit the desk and drop everything out of it. I literally just threw mine in the garbage when I got the volcano. Even though we had Da Buddha, we’d still use water bongs. It didn’t do a good enough job to really work for us. The buddha relied on the speed at which you inhale. If you inhale faster, the air through the bud is cooler and results in a weak vapor. Going to slow is… well laborious and hard to do. There were too many variables to get the vapor right and that’s why it sat in my basement for years before joining the rest of the garbage on Earth.

My wife pretty much forced me to buy ourselves a Volcano at one point. I winced at the price tag, that’s a lot of fuckin’ money to blow all at once. Although, I’m sure over the years of buying glass and breaking bowls and stuff we’d blown that much on glass.

We’ve both completely switched to the Volcano. I highly suggest getting one. Even if the price tag is hard to stomach, just do it. The quality of the vapor is amazing. The Buddha left something to be desired with vapor quality. The volcano does a great job filling the bag with substantial vapor. I never felt like I got much out of the Buddha, it just didn’t work well.


Love my 'cano over here, once you get the temp dialed in the taste is amazing. Many people run too hot of temps and/or have overdried pot which leads to the “burnt popcorn” complaints IMO.

We’ve done a few things with ABV, two easiest/most sucessful:

  1. “Deth Rum” - fill big Mason jars with ABV, then fill with 151 Rum, let sit for a long time, strain, and funnel into bottle to sit on liquor shelf. Agressively label this! Even half a shot is real strong. Not for beginners or those who have issues with pot+alcohol. Two shots will always put my dick in the dirt. Very easy and no smell.

  2. Cooking oil. Whatever cooking oil you use to make boxed brownies. Simmer on low heat, fold in ABV, watch closely. I go in batches and have a big runoff pot to dump into. Let that big pot come down to temperature, strain with cheesecloth, store oil, make brownies like regular. Even if the ABV looks browned out theres still plenty of firepower in there. An old girlfriend ate two reg sized brownies made this was and couldnt’t make it thru a NYE party. “My brain is bouncing in my skull!”. This is much more involved and will stink out your whole damn neighborhood, but can be done with regular kitchen stuff.


The Deth Rum sounds interesting. Here in Appalachia, we can get grain alcohol. I use it for edible solvents. We also use Everclear for making flavor extracts of plants we grow. If you’ve never put spicy peppers into alcohol, it’s 100% the best thing ever. We use ghost peppers and it’s nice to add a ml or two to a drink to make it spicy. One drink we’ve deemed ‘Burning bitch’ because it’s so spicy and all I do the entire time is bitch about how spicy it is.


Burning Bitch sounds great, Spicy booze os fantastic and hits so well.

yep you’re absolutely right on the buddha. You can have the temp set at half power and just draw slower for thicker vapor or turn it up full blast and inhale faster and get the same result. just depends on your inhale style I guess. I always thought it had the most potential when turning all the way up and attaching to a bong. Big hits that tasted good. And yeah you have to hold the wand in the ground glass during the whole hit, pulling it out to “clear” it. I’ve never just tried to let it set there, it would either fall out or get stuck and you would never be able to clear the hit/chamber.