High yielding CBD extract strains?

Hey so awhile ago I posted looking for a CBD strain for my epileptic friend. I haven’t grown any cbd dominant plants yet cause we don’t live in the same city anymore but he should be moving back soon and I feel like I would have more luck getting him to consume cbd hash or rosin vs flower. Anyone have any experience pressing or making hash from cbd strains?


Don’t see why it would be any different as long as you get a sticky plant. I am growing some Cherry Wine at the moment and it looks to be a pretty good producer.


I have done lots of hemp pressing. Here is a little video on how I would press to blast through a pound, 1 oz at a time for efficiency and yield. Gets tedious trying to press through a few lbs sometimes heh.

Not the best vid, but a few people wanted to see how I did it back then, so I threw this jittery video together heh.


My 1st thought was “Why didn’t I think of that”… followed by “because I do extracts”… :smile:

I tried smoking my CBD herb… it tasted… weird. But the extract is great.

Here’s a question… THC, when ingested, is broken down in the liver into a secondary psychotropic form (longer half life, slightly lower potency). I take advantage of that by vaping on top of the edibles…

What does CBD do?
I pop CBD edibles daily, but is there a similar dosing effect?
I don’t need it - but perhaps some folks going through ‘pain purgatory’ i.e. cancer therapy etc. could benefit from a stacking effect, if it exists.


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Woahhh awesome vid. lol unfortunately it’s over stimulating to me giving me anxiety hahaha I will try and get through some more.

Wooahhhhh glad I kept going !
The speeded up fingers moving was a lot for me to process lol alongside the heavy metal lol

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Heh ya its a bit of an odd video. I always have to put some metal in any video I make and this was one of the calmer songs I had on a playlist at the time heh.

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HAha all good, I used to love that stuff, the double kick on the drums was always my favourite

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CBD is a big part of our life. Me and the wife use it daily in ratios of 2:1 CBD:THC and up to around 10:1 CBD:THC. We only use edibles and dabs and use those ratios. It was a major help for my wife through her first round of chemo treatments and dealing with the long term side effects of the chemo drugs. Its an odd topic because lots of people seem to be against CBD for some reason, but coming from someone that was a long term user (Myself) of large amounts of THC, I will never go back to using THC on its own ever again. So many benefits to using CBD.

Now a days I just press all of our harvests and throw the pressed flower pucks into coconut or MCT oil with a bunch of hemp and get a nice extract out of it indeed. Usually use the rosin pucks, decarbed hemp and non decarbed hemp in the oil to get the benefits from the CBDA and CBD etc.


@vincentadultman Out of all the CBD hemp strains I have pressed, the highest yield I got was from the Hawaiian Haze. I am sure there are other high yielders out there in the straight CBD hemp strains and the normal CBD dominant cannabis strains out there.

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You are definitely ahead of me!

I’ve been thinking about pressing and alcohol extraction as a ‘work toward’ (future) process. (No urgent requirement as of yet)

How much useful extract do you think you are recovering from the pressed pucks?


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I don’t extract from the hemp pucks because their are some blow out deals I come across for hemp on and off, so I just use straight hemp buds in the oil. But the THC pucks are definitely worth keeping and making oil with that’s for sure. I usually use 10-14 THC rosin pucks and then 14-20 grams or so of hemp in 16 oz oil. Comes out strong enough to fill empty 00 capsules with and use like that. 1 capsule on an empty stomach is pretty useful on its own.

I actually have a few stacks of pucks sitting here and can probably make 2 batches of oil out of them. I always have pounds of hemp on hand for whatever the situation calls for. We have different ratio oils on hand, huge jar of decarbed hemp for making tea with etc.

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I contacted the ppl at Hoku Seed Co with this question recently and for hash production they recommend their CBD strain called Eraser and for CBG a strain called Circles

When I asked they responded “For CBD, I’d go with Eraser and for CBG I’d go with Circles… both regs though. I’m working on fems atm. These are my two Favorite and they dump resin!”


So I assume that a strain that is a good hash producer would be a good rosin strain too yeah? I don’t have a press yet but I’d like to have some good strains established before I get one ya know?


I am not an expert on either since I have never washed my buds to make hash or pressed them for rosin but I know enough about the process to say that I believe if one is good for hash it would be just as good for rosin. After watching enough videos about the process for both it is my opinion that the best rosin you could make would be pressed from a well made bubble hash.

I am hoping to have a good enough harvest this time around to do edibles or pills or whatever. I did not want to start taking it full time before I knew I had the ability to keep it going. I like the idea of the capsules. Can I assume you decarb it first?

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For the oil I have been making, only 50% of the hemp/cbd I put into the oil is decarbed and the rest is not. The THC rosin pucks get a slight decarb in the press and a little more in the oil.