Bud Trimmers yay or nay

Well I’ll tell you now I’ve tried a amazon one I’ll post a link for below and I had some really high hopes. First 10 minutes it’s doing amazing and getting stuff done then it keeps sounding like it’s bogging down so id stop and clean it off with alcohol and re lube the blade gears with a drop of supplied oil but the unit kept bogging down until I was at max speed and could hardly tell the difference between the lowest speed and max and on top of that was heating up like crazy. I used it for 2 plants and then cleaned it up the best that I could and asked for a refund. I’ve been eyeing up the 16 or 19 inch ac infinity bowl trimmers tho
Electric Bud Trimmer Scissor, for Dry Wet Hydroponic Plants Trim Power Precise Cutting Shears with Speed Control, Heavy Duty Blades for Garden Plant Flowers Cutter https://a.co/d/edlgpca


@Pigeonman I told myself last season if I still wanted one this season I was going to get a death fan. I still want one :cowboy_hat_face:

Shit, looks like I found a better deal on Amazon Amazon.com

I have a bowl trimmer, I think the Vevor brand, and was actually pretty impressed with the quality, results and value. Got it last year and love using it on the smalls. Is it a hand trim? No. But if you are looking down the barrel of a few pounds of outdoor it’s a great way to decide what you want to invest time in for hand trim.


Do they make a wet trimmer drum for your machine? I had a twister t4 previous that did a nice job on dried bud . Pretty sure they made a wet drum for it.

I had the fancy 3k spinner style trim machine in my cooler days. It worked like a charm for smalls. I could get thru several 5 gallon buckets of smalls all nice and cleaned up in a couple hours. But there is a fine line where itll hack stuff to hell. For sure wouldnt recommend it for A buds though.

The spinny bowls work okay, but they tend to beat up the buds quite a bit too.

Honestly the best dirty trick Ive found was those $20 cannabrushes. Even a dollar store silicone basting brush cut back to 3/8ths of an inch works. Ive knocked out a lb an hour no problem with that. But it’s not 100% club cut. Still gotta do a snip or 2 per bud to get em perfect.

But as was mentioned, bud density is everything with any machine or device. I say this having spent tens of thousands a year on trimmers lol. Nothing beats a careful hand trim unfortunately. But trimmers tend to eat all your food and listen to weird music. So you take the good with the bad


this seems like a cheap expensive one @ $339 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7QDVGP4/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B0C7QDVGP4&pd_rd_w=yJt9K&content-id=amzn1.sym.f2f1cf8f-cab4-44dc-82ba-0ca811fb90cc&pf_rd_p=f2f1cf8f-cab4-44dc-82ba-0ca811fb90cc&pf_rd_r=GEPZ964BT03GFYW4S70G&pd_rd_wg=XyQq0&pd_rd_r=b3030515-6915-48a8-9173-8172b0bc4704&s=lawn-garden&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1
So far this is what im feeling

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I am with you… weeks turned into 15mins… I got better things to do with my time… :wink: Some people don’t like them because they take too much off but only true buds survive my trimmer. It is ok though because I make hash out of the trimmings or edibles… Made 6oz last year just from trim… I have yet to run buds through my washer. If it broke tomorrow i would go buy another one. Got mine from vivosun.com for $150 ./ 40inch.



Looks very similar to the one @tresbundles has.
Hey @Emeraldgreen, check it out. :wink:

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The one I have is discontinued, but for the same price you can get their newer one that looks pretty nice. I like the legs.


free shipping is nice you would do that over the one I posted above @tresbundles ? I’m totally just gonna buy one and $300ish seems like a nice average price point. fucking Vevor is already relentlessly spamming me and in my youtube ads… I dunno if i wanna support that.


Once I start getting spammed ads, I’m out and looking for something else. That shit pisses me off.


I have heard of and used the Vevor, so that’s the only reason I would pick it over the others. I hate spam and ads myself, so that’d tick me off. That’s why I switched to the Brave browser, Youtube ads were driving me crazy.