Buddertons P1 Afghani mission

A11 seedling


Absolutely sensational flowers here, love the pink hue on that one. I canā€™t wait for mine to progress!

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Didnā€™t take a closeup today but hereā€™s one of the whole plant about 10 weeks from planting seeds.Iā€™ve been taking a lot of water leaves off to open her up with the humidity here. So far these are the thickest buds to make it this far without succumbing to the ā€œThat which shall not be mentionedā€! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: If she can make it to the finish line intact I think we may have a contestant for next long season! :1st_place_medal:



Iā€™m going to try out those tomato cages this next grow. I have some out in the shed.


Yo Mikey! I just had a roll of 2m. welded wire left over from roadbuilding, my guys snipped and twisted. We drive re-bar rods in deep and then use industrial-strength zip-ties to secure the cages. That way the cage doesnā€™t sit on the ground and you can get ā€˜inā€™ to the base easierā€¦plus gives you more height out of it!

Nice also that if needed you just cut the zip ties, pull the rods out and move it! These were fitted to last seasonā€™s grow where the were fully filled with larger diameter grow bags. But seem to be working well w/ 10 g. airpots.


If you grow large outdoor plants you can put multiple layers of them to support the inside and outside. Usually under construction mesh if youā€™re looking for it at the hardware store.


Thatā€™s awesome @Tlander ! Thatā€™ll be a valuable cut, if it makes it unscathed. I hope itā€™s the one that says piss off to the botrā€¦I wonā€™t say it!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::grin:


i just come back from my mailbox and am so happy about your generous gifts :slight_smile:
i reckon, they must have been on route for a LOOONG time, snailmail in full effect.

thank you so much for helping out and taking care of us, bro.
i canā€™t wait to see how they do for me. the combo screams
ā€œsedating/relaxingā€, which is exactly what we need right now.

thank you, budderton !!! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Well that was quite a read through @Budderton world :open_mouth: Amazing plants and work sir! I believe we share similar male trait selection methods and observations that gets the results. It sounds like a really great Afghani line youā€™ve done :+1: The pine-sol almost makes me think the 808 Corn is more Afghan than Pak lineage. Your A11 and A9 have incredible structure and the colas show it. I tend notice my lurker likers :eyes: Perhaps at a later time when I have drop location for to receive seed, would be worth taking a closer look at a more select Afghani. Actually, Corn x NL 2 MAY be a good addition to your work, your line could bulk it up further, and keep the similar terps within profile. (Yes thatā€™s a hint of an offer) Thatā€™s just an idea that came to mind as I was finishing my thoughts. Iā€™ve throughly enjoyed taking a look and reading a skilled breeders objectives and goals :clap::bowing_man:ā€ā™‚


You arenā€™t kidding! I think they went out the end of November. Itā€™s crazy how these thing get lost in the cosmos for a few months at a time and then pop up out of nowhere. I glad they finally showed.
And itā€™s absolutely my pleasure to be able to help such a genourus, nice person and theirs. I hope things are starting to tend in a more positive direction for Mrs Sans. Positive vibrations towards the both of you!:grin::v::canada:


Thanks for your words @OriginalDankmaster96 . I appreciate them. Yeah, I look at these as an ingredient, not the main dish. A tool, to be used to make the main event. I still have work to do on them to further narrow phenotype expressions. If you get an address sorted, Iā€™d be glad to send you some packs. :grin::v::canada:


@Tlander what do you use for those maleboxes. I too utilize this method and have for some time in fact. I buy these big ass semi clear totes etc. and they work but are a pita and are like 35$ a pop and tend to only last a couple years as the plastic becomes brittle and cracks, splits and just falls apart. Love the ones you use as they are truly clear so I can eliminate a light inside and just place them under one small led .


Yo @TopShelfTrees1 ! I found them here on the island in the only giant box shop. They look to be Thai-made (or marketed at least!) and are sold as flat-pac shoe boxes. Canā€™t remember but about $2-3 each. They have small, die-cut corners so you need to tape the corners and 1/2 edges, but its fast & easy with paintersā€™ masking tape. But the humidity inside is a big problem for the pollen. I want to rig up an old computer fan (Knew I kept that drawerfull for a reason!) to ā€˜suckā€™ air out of the box through a Tyvek layer as a filter and another filtered inlet hole on the topā€¦some day mayā€™be, but NOT today!

Meanwhile, I just got a shock when I thought to change out the water in the plastic cup with the male Black Cherry Pie Autosā€¦hadnā€™t realized Iā€™d had them in there for 20 days already! Hereā€™s what I found when I went to wash off the stems!

:rofl: Haa, haa, haaā€¦Me & my Cloners! Iā€™ll see if I can dig up a photo of those boxes, ā€œas soldā€ā€¦I know I took one thinking others would be interested in them too!.

Okay, if you right-click the next image and click ā€˜open in a new tabā€™, then click the magnifier, you can scan the QR code in the lower right corner:



Thank you so much! Man and that price, Iā€™m on it! Those are some nice roots for 20 days haha nicely done. Love your ingenuity my friend. I do the same thing with a computer fan and I made a vent joke which I line with doubled up furnace filters silicone and gorilla glued to the outside so the fan blows through but no pollen escapes. Hope that helps too. Thank you again.


I love how you throw them in in a cup of water! So smart as it eliminates media height etc. ha I just upped my game huge thanks to you bro! Saweeeet! Plus it makes it easier that way I can keep a cut unflowered, and one flowered . In a much easier time period. Thank you very much :pray:t2:


555! Sure @TopShelfTrees1 ! Yes, and if all else fails, in a week or two I get another shot at the chopped plant forming new balls to use! But that ventilation problem needs a solution! Iā€™m thinking to use the opposite approach of ā€˜pullingā€™ air ā€˜outā€™ rather than pushing it ā€˜inā€™ just because I figure it will have less effect on the pollen on the flowers?



Affie #9 x Afghan Hash Plant bout half way done.


Nice one @Naptown916 ! Looks like itā€™s gonna be a chunky one! Great looking photo! Please keep me updated on how they turn out. :grin::v:


Definitely will plenty more photos coming


Gonna be running this after my last sensimilla crop! Looking good! Please keep updating!