Buddertons P1 Afghani mission

That’s a beautiful looking specimen @GlassJoeGrows ! Has it under 100% sunlight? I hope it smokes as good as it looks for you.


I wish! That was the plan but the unusually rainy, grey winter made it unfeasible. The equinox is just happening here and I figured the extra light would matter. I opened up the 4x8 grow tent to let in sunlight through the sides of and allow airflow, and used the frame and bars to hang lights.


Right on @GlassJoeGrows . I’m glad you kept cuts. It looks like a good one to make seeds with. :+1: Now I know what I’m gonna look for, when I select for F3 on those A11s. :grin::v:


Nice f3s of plants that look like that sounds like a gem!

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This is LA Affie x Hash plant #9, probably needed another week but had to cut it today

Plant Shots

Bud Shots


Very nice looking buddage!


Those look great. Can’t wait to hear how they smoke for you!
Have to pull out my survivor a11 and number and clone them. They are about 12-16 inches at the moment


This plant was only about 18” at harvest


Thanks, the smell on these is incredible, very sweet perfume and amazing colors in the bud, very happy with how it turned out even for a little early


Ya, it seems like everything Budderton creates is full of smells and flavours.


Wow @Naptown916 ! :star_struck: You sure know how to get the most out of your plants! Awesome job man! I hope it smokes good for you!!


Wow that flower morphology is insane! I don’t think I’ve ever seen buds that taper out as they go up like that, that’s really cool


That is some crazy looking bud formation. Usually the “fist” is from stress but them buds look healthy AF.


Thanks, they’re just thick solid colas. I prune my plants in a way where that pretty much always happens. The SFV that was next to them was twice as thick


I was gonna say if you prune your tops it’ll give you chunkier buddage


No that’s not exactly what’s going on there. It’s similar to lollipopping but these are actually techniques you would use to grow floribunda roses


Very interesting, can you give us a little info on your techniques? I love how those Buds look

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From looking at those chunky ass buds, I seriously thought you were pinching your tops to promote wider growth.

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like in the video above? :thinking:


Sorry for the novel…

So again it’s really just rose gardening. When you grow large fancy like roses the goal is pretty much the same as cannabis big buds.

When you grow roses the main branches are called canes. Think of these as the main branches from the stem on cannabis

So you’ll notice in this pic there’s roughly 6 to 10 “canes” per plant. This is accomplished by topping and topping only. Fimming, LST any of that will not get you the same result. Those things may increase branching but they won’t give you the same substantial sized stems or “canes” that topping will. This is because of a hormonal reaction that takes place in the plant when you top. I know people will disagree and argue that stress causes issues but I’ll stand by my results and the fact that these same principles apply to hundreds of plants out there like roses, hibiscus, hydrangea etc. Just proven plant science at this point really.

Then you have to prune regularly. From the week before flower through the first three weeks of 12/12 I prune them every weekend. Knock off any side branching or immature buds and remove all fan leaves below the top 1/3. I don’t care what the breeder says or popular opinion defoliation and pruning are fine to do and unless you make a cutting error I’ve never really seen an issue. This photo shows a LAPK in week 3 of flower. It will get pruned again this weekend and all the small buds and new emerging larf I’ll cut off. You can see all the prior cuts from the last 3 weeks. You’ll also notice very few fan leaves. To make it simple I guess in cannabis terms you might call this toppin n lollipoppin but at this point you really just have a long stem rose. Difference is roses grow at the end of the cane and cannabis will grow in along the “cane” but same result.

*Disclaimer, this will not necessarily increase yield it will just produce larger fuller denser nugs and eliminate pretty much all larf so while the yield is the same the quality of the nugs will be better, my plants are typically 18” tall and yield 2-5oz *

Example of a ”negative” reaction. This is a Grape Juice Cocktail from Bluestar. Blueberry dominant it’s a slower grower. I topped right before 12/12 and gave very little recovery time so the side branches swallowed up the actual tops. I had to cut 2 of the 4 tops to save it. This is a negative but it’s totally off my own doing by rushing things.

I could go on forever but research grandiflora and floribunda rose gardening and it will do wonders for your grow. Roses and cannabis are remarkably similar from the way they grow and flower, to their nutrient needs, to the pests and diseases they suffer from. Lot of knowledge to be gained there.