Buddertons P1 Afghani mission

An Affie #9 f2 in a vegetable garden.

An Affie under a hops vine. I told him he’s playing with fire.



that will be massive amount of hash :grin:


Super awesome to see a large plant of the Affie.
The few pics I had seen of people posting showed small plants and it got me all thinking…
Thanks for posting this and clearing my doubts…:wink::v:t3:


They grow big if you grow 'em big. This was the one I grew in march in a 15 gallon pot, hauled out of the tent for a photoshoot. Final smell after curing was kind of a mix of fruit and chocolate, in the same kind of vein as the sweet/fruity/earthy smell it had earlier. I have to check in with my neighbor about how the one I gave them went.


Right on @GlassJoeGrows , that’s an impressive specimen! I love the 45 ° branch angles. Does it smoke alright?


Smoke was good! I had no complaints about potency and the whole family liked it (it’s all gone by now). The structure of the plant was one of its best traits, very sturdy with good spacing, I basically just cleaned out below the light line and lolipopped the colas and it took care of the rest itself, no real need for more support.


I’m glad you liked it. I’m working on these as a seed making tool that will hopefully impart studier structure into cultivars that are nice in every way but are stem floppers. So that’s great feedback, thanks for that.


@Budderton Im a little late to the party, but just read thru 349 posts, I’m #350!!! You and I believe it was @BigMike55 are the only other folks that I have ever run into who have spoken of DNA’s LA Confidential, and lo and behold, here you are working a line with it!!!
The year was 2007, doing a job in Toronto, I stopped by the Ontario Seed Bank as I was passing it in my way back home across the border. LA Con was one of the strains that I brought back, and it was something special that took off in our little group. The taste was unique and potency was incredible, not a big yielder, but potency made up for that. Short stout plant, rock hard golf ball sized nugs packed with goodness.
The original 10pk produced 4 females, and we kept the LA around with clones for almost 10 years off the 4 females, but have long since lost the strain, and DNA has discontinued it.
It was a pleasure reading all 349 posts, seeing all the happy folks who have grown the P1.
How does the P1 compare in taste to the LA Con??
I see the offspring (#11?) are short, stout, resin covered buds like 3 of the phenotypes we had, the 4th was much lankier, taller with larger node spacing.
I am Very Very interested in getting some of these seeds if they are available to surprise the group with a little LA Afghani throwback.
I never got to run any hash with it, but always thought it would make some great hash. Now, 16 years after 1st growing the LA, and tasting it, I’m really wanting to try some hash as that’s all I smoke now.


I’ll be starting seed in the next couple weeks to look for parent stock to go to F3 on both of the P1 mission lines. Should be some fun times.


Apon reflection, I decided to only hunt the dwarf line, Affie 11, this go around and hopefully progress it to F3.
Specifically selecting towards the small stature with nice sized colas, intense terps and a heavy trich field. Everything you’d look for in a good hasher.

These ones are slow veggers, so it’ll be a bit slow in here, till they get up and running.


Oh, awesome. I really look forward to see your selections!

Have you seen the TRSC Afghan 90 Dwarf? Seeing your plants and others make me think of them.

Pz :v:t2:


@Budderton ive heard from so many people about affies being slow veggers and am now seeing it first hand running the Urkle and some others, you think there’s something inherent in those cultivars genetics that makes them slow veggers like that? Like I’ve heard the old adage that their energy “has to go somewhere” so like if they veg slow and don’t stretch like crazy the energy goes into flower set or trich production or something along those lines, I could see the basis for truth in that, but I wonder if there’s like an epigenetic reason for that slow veg period based on where these varieties originated from. Just musing but you seemed like the guy to chop this up with. Good luck on your hunt man :heart::v:t2:


Nope, I haven’t seen that one yet. I’ll search it up and have a look.

I’m not sure. Not all Afghans are slow veggers but when compared to a tropical sativa they sure are! I suspect it properly has something to do with latitude and native elevation. The higher up the hill, the hasher the climate kinda thing. Kept them squat and chunky with increased trichs to help ward off the increased UV found at higher elevations and finished fast to beat the short season. Maybe that’s the trade off. Slow to veg but fast to finish. 8-10 wks as apposed to 20 plus wks on a fast vegger. Anyhow, our North American seed making forefathers like something about those slow veggers(probably the chunky flower and fast finishes😁) and did a lot of pollinating with them.


Yes dude! That’s what I was thinking, probably a number of things like that, I was thinking that it could have to do with the higher wind at those altitudes too, like if it stretched itself up like an equatorial it’d be blown over or something. Very cool to think about. You’re right about our forefather growers too, they did seem to like something about those slow veggers :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Been a wk since they got wet and things are starting to happen. Affie 11(dwarf line)f2 seedlings.



I got a Purple Urkle S1 in my garden that’s blowing up right now in vegs.

Pz :v:t2:


That’s lucky, for a notoriously slow vegger. I hope it’s a good one for you @LonelyOC .
I checked out the Afghan 90. Looks likes it’s probably based on the same fountains as my project, the old Afghan #1 that sensi spread around in the 90s. Pretty cool to see it all kinda comes out similar. A testament to how homogeneous it already is perhaps. Thanks for the heads up on that one.


Yeah, I’m running the Purple Urkle BX F2s next to it and they are real slow, and I had 2 other S1 phenos which where even slower then the BX, when it came down to choose for my limited space, the big one was the one I was most curious to see what becomes out of it.

Yeah, I’m so curious to see what would come out of the A90 dwarf if it was crossed to your line. I’ve run the non dwarf version of A90 and it was a real old school warm blanket, really good medical properties.

When I first saw the outcome of your project, I instantly got interested, then it hit me later that it was because of the A90 I use to run.

Im really excited to get to the beans you sent me!

Pz :v:t2:


My neglect level has been at about 7.75 outta 10 on these the last week or so. An unintentionally drought test has knocked down my selection numbers but I got the survivors into solos yesterday. Thrips are eating them a bit but after they veg out a bit, I’ll deal with those little bastards with my nasty spinosad spray. Here’s some of the contenders, vegging slow as molasses.


“Best laid plans of mice and all that”
Due to early hard culls and a few nasty droughts, I have ¼ of the population that I planned to select from to go to F3. Shit.

They are pulling themselves back up from the most recent dry back. And they are not really dwarfy but I’m going to continue on. I have some stuff( far sativa) I want to chuck Affie onto and I may get lucky and find a nice female specimen but if I don’t find what I’m looking for in the Affie females, I’ll redo the generation. Onwards we go.