Buddertons P1 Afghani mission

I’m staying busy @Emeraldgreen . :grin:


You definitely are staying busy!


That’s some serious shit there duder


Of those, in your experience, which are the best producers for hash?


Like many before me have said…I got a late start on finding this thread, but once I did I couldn’t put it down! Just did a start-to-finish-in-one-sitting and gotta say, OG need’s an “Exceptional Educational Value” icon to tag threads like this! @Budderton Thanks loads for sharing all/so many of your thought processes in going about something like this! It’s a really good glimpse into how far you can push it when, like many on OG, you are passionate and really just love what you do! I nominate your thread (and likely your plants) for a “Hall of Fame” award! :rofl:



What he said, fasho!


Thanks for your words @Tlander , I appreciate them.:pray: I just try and serve the plant the best that I can.:grin::peace_symbol:


I can’t say any cultivars specifically but I find the ones that are more open, with a looser bud structure seem to produce the most amount of recoverable trich heads. The ones that are kinda scruffy and ugly looking but make you wonder where the hell all these trichs are coming from.:grin::peace_symbol:


Hey bro,
I’ll delete some of these pics if there’s too many - the pic quality isn’t too great, im using my phone.

Sorry for the photo bomb …:point_up:

I have up to a week left til I need to chop this female A9 of yours …
It’s at roughly x8 weeks in bloom now so another week n they ( a couple of others too.) will be chopped.
I leave on holiday for two weeks starting next Monday ( 10th October.).
I’ll need a bit of weed once in Orlando.
Is there an easy method for getting weed from the Medicinal Market in Florida .?
Any info/ideas welcome. Lol.

Is that last pic of your Afghani hash from one of the A9’s or something else.?

I haven’t tried pinching it yet to see what/if terpenes are like and smell like…
Tho, it’s definitely getting its frost on. Hopefully it’ll finish better in a week. :crossed_fingers:

I don’t think it stretched more than 15% or so…?!
So you need to veg this one for a wee bit longer than usual.
I’ll show you it next week before I harvest it.

Gaz :facepunch:


Right on @Gaz29 ! Nice to have some action on here while the beans cure. Your Affie is looking nice as is the sherb breath. The SB should bring the terps. The Affies I did where done at nine wks, but I took them a bit longer to let the seed mature. I hope they finish strong for you.
Yep, that chunk was made from an A9, after I collected the seed. I enjoyed it better then smoking the flower.
Yeah, typical Afghan. Kinda slow in veg, with limited stretch in flower. The A11s showed even less stretch during flower.
Have fun on your holiday. I can’t help you in the herb department down there but I’m sure if you put the word out, there’s members that will help you out. :grin::peace_symbol:


Seeds have been going out steady. I was supposed to have more packaging arrive this week and it showed this morning. As a result I won’t have time to pack and mail today. So everyone I told I would ship in a couple days: I’ll make packs this weekend and get them out on Monday. Happy Friday!! :grin::peace_symbol:


Mine arrived woohoooo : )


@Budderton love this thread, awesome work! I’m very impressed :pray:t2:

Have you started the F2 seeds yet? Waiting for some follow up on your wonderful project.

Pz :v:t2:


Some good looking nugs in there @Gaz29


Hey @LonelyOC . These seeds are done, cured and being sent around the world at this very moment.:grin::peace_symbol:


I agree Legs. Chunky MFers! :grin:


Right on @ifish . I’m glad they made it safe and sound. Tag me if you get some going so I can watch along.:+1::peace_symbol:


Sry, I thought you would look through the F2s aswell and do some further selection. I dont want the show to stop :rofl:

I hope someone can post a pic soon with the results, I love your initial idea and I hope you got where you was hoping to get :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Sorry. Misinterpreted your post. :grin:
Yes, the show will continue. The selection for continuing filial generations will be on going but not continual. I have a full plate of other projects, so these will be worked on when my schedule permits. I’ll probably start to make selections for F3s near the end of winter. I hope other OGers grow these out, like what the see, and make their own selections for F3s and experimental crosses. :peace_symbol:


Ooooh, happy happy :laughing: . Wonderful! As I said before I think you are really on to something here and it got potential to change things, just as you stated! We don’t have alot of true breeding indicas around anymore and those whi h are true breeding are usually selfed over and over which have it own sets of issues you have to deal with.:grin:

Pz :v:t2: