Buddertons P1 Afghani mission

I’m thinking it would be great for someone with a short fence that wanted to keep a low profile plant.
I am enjoying the read. Since I’m just getting into creating seeds, this is gold to me. lol

Just read through the thread. What an undertaking! If you wouldn’t mind spreading the joy around this way, I’d love to try some.
Obviously I’ll be following along.
Thanks @Emeraldgreen for the heads up on this thread. :slight_smile:


Glad you enjoyed the thread @MoBilly I figured you would appreciate @Budderton work with this.


It was a learning experience for this old hillbilly @Emeraldgreen .
So much was over my pay grade. lol


He has a ton of great information he shares!
From what I’ve been reading you’re increasing your pay grade really fast


Thank you @Emeraldgreen


LA Affie S1 #9 x Afghani Hash Plant F2 beans have arrived!!!

Many thanks, I am very much looking forward to these. Gee, maybe they will good for making some dry sift hash!

Thank you @Budderton your are a cool dude!



Yeah @Budderton I received your package a couple of days ago. Thanks! I greatly appreciate ya


Yahoooo! Thanks a ton @Budderton !!!

But do you know how hard it is to NOT do a soak on a few of these despite the monsoon conditions over here? Hint: Too hard! :rofl:



That’s awesome @Tlander ! Glad to see them make the long voyage safe and sound. Yah, I don’t think those guys would do too well, flowering under intense humidity. But where there’s a will, there’s a way! Best of luck with them!:peace_symbol::canada:


:rofl: My hope is to keep them under lights throughout monsoon and move 'em out afterwards when things dry up. That said, I’m not risking that many of them trying…just too hard to resist dropping a couple! :rofl: BIG Thanks again! :pray: Your threads are real gems of information and learning for most of us here! “Highly” appreciated!


Thanks for your words @Tlander . And it’s truly my pleasure. Not to sound too corny, but it’s a big part of how I serve the plant we all love.:pray::peace_symbol:


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I have the original female that I took the clone from, it’s re-vegging again after harvest, so iv stuck it in my wee veg cupboard, I’ll fatten her out and let her veg for a few weeks and I’ll see how the clone does, it’s in a 12/12 cycle now - I took a couple of cuttings and up-potted her to the 22litres bucket/pot and now I’ll let her flower…

I’ll show you the Re-vegged plant next time i pop in @Budderton

I still haven’t smoked any of the ‘A9’ yet - it’s still drying/curing, but i did try some of the Sherbet Breath and it’s a nice tasting weed, though i probably took it a bit earlier than I would have ( I took it just before I left on holiday.!.).

Anyway , thanks for the latest f2’s of your La Affie S1 crosses - A9 and A11 … I just got them today.
Cheers bro.

Happy growing peeps.
Gaz :facepunch:


Right on @Gaz29 ! Everything looks happy. Those last two pictures are the Sherb Breath F2, yeah? I can see the OGKB in it. Good luck with the re-veg. I hope it smokes good for you and makes the effort worth while. :v::canada:


I received some of your beans through a trade both 9 and 11 how did they smoke? I’m thinking I’m going with the 11 starting in two weeks


Hey @Mr.greenbee . I don’t smoke flower, but they made some nice hash. Both are similar in terp profile, I describe it as pine incense cone but Mrs Budder and a couple others have suggested there’s a bit of mint in there , more so after a cure. The A9 was bigger, and the A11 were smaller with about the same amount of buds and of nicer overall quality. :grin::peace_symbol:


A11 it is then thank you it was great reading the thread. I’m just beginning to go through a pack of lemon g × 88g13hp. Wanting to find a lemon g and to keep on board. Hopefully the a11 can be a cross. Just starting out with breeding. Have one male I’m growing out for the pollen it has a strong clean lemon smell. I’ll keep you updated once I start the a11 probably in two weeks


This is the best thread it’s really inspiring to see how you lay it all out brother :raised_hands: you have a real skill for this mate, no shortcuts just honest breeding the way it’s meant to go, resulting in some fine Afghani! You’re the man brother :facepunch:


Thanks for your words @Cranio , I appreciate them :pray: I just wanna do my best and be honest about the whole thing. I’ve said it before,and my Dad loves the flower, but I see this one as an ingredient and not a main course, if that make sense. :grin::peace_symbol:



This is probably nearer the x3 weeks mark - not 4 as iv put in pic. :facepunch:

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Some more pics of your clone of the only female I got - plus the mother re-vegging somewhat …:+1:.

This clone stretched about 30 + % , maybe it’s because I put it in a 22 litres pot .?!

Plus i have the original mother of the clone revenging in my wee SolStrips cab …

I’ll keep you posted on how they get on.

I really enjoy the smoke, iv been smoking on it for a few days now. Nice hashy/coffee smell ,and a dash of gas n hashy, - flavour wise .!

Thanks again for the seeds, I’ll be running some more soon.
Happy growing peeps.


Right on @Gaz29 , I’m glad you enjoy the flower. Looks like that one gets nice and chunky. Coffee eh? I heard Mean Gene talking on the Potcast about the old Black Affie AKA LA Affie from when he was a teen. He said it had the coffee. The same coffee he smelled in the Bubba Kush and he figures they share relatives. It’s cool your getting that too.
Did the seed plant stretch the same as the clone?
I’m wondering if it’s a seed plant vs clone of seed plant thing. I didn’t save any cuts to see how they grew compared to the seed plant. :thinking::peace_symbol::canada: