Buddertons Tomfoolery

Right on, you’ve got plenty of time.:grin:


I was referring to the reveg / undeveloped seeds :wink:

Documenting the bagging process is a good thing for many though… Nothing sucks more than finding seeds where ya didn’t plan em!


Sorry, my bad. I should have checked what you where replying to.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It just didn’t happen for me with that one.:thinking:
And yah, unwanted seeds suck for sure!


I will pop them in Feb that gives me till March to put them in 20 gallons


When do you start getting enough daylight to put them outside without triggering them to flower?


What i do at the moment with anything not in flower is I take out side at 6 am and brother in at 6 last hr is under porch light , then in the garage under a 8 bulb t5 , they grow really fast outside so I have to be careful I will have trees :deciduous_tree: and I can’t have that. I have horse trails that run my 8 ft vinyl fence, some of the riders are sheriff’s and I just wouldn’t want the sec look.
If you ever google my property its amazing nieghborhood but my oy privacy is about 20 ft x 20 ft but its private


Right on! Sounds like that works good to extend your daylight hrs. Hope they’re on carts or something, must get hard on the back.:face_with_head_bandage:


Just mentioned this to my buddy, he likes it… just two quick questions, if you don’t mind answering before you get to documenting the whole process. What thickness is the packing paper, and what kind of tape is that? (duct, packing, scotch, masking, electrical, etc)


The papper is that light weight paper you use for packing that comes in approx 24" squares. I think it’s literally called “packing paper” at the box stores.
The red tape is tuck tape, commonly used with house wrap or vapor barrier, used to “assemble” the bag.
The whole thing is taped to a bamboo pole with green painters tape for support and easy removal.edit-green tape is used to sinch the bottom of bag to main stalk. Tape it off real good and tight.


I did move the couple 15 gallons last yr by hand lol but after that gets big .
I do hit the gym almost everyday for yrs so lifted heavy shit its game on


Wow, what a cool method. Appreciate you sharing @Budderton !


This feels like a game changer. @budderton to get the paper off are you cutting the main stem so you can invert the whole thing and pull the plant out? Or are you disassembling and managing not to spill pollen?


I like to lay it on its side and slit one side open and see that the clusters have opened, if so I cut out that side and dump the pollen out.if not I tape back up. If you cut the stalk before your getting pollen your out of luck.


That was gonna be my next question: how do you know. What you described laying it on its side makes sense though. Are you pruning these males to get them to fit into your bags? Or just building huge ass bags for more candelabra shaped plants?

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I prune off the bottoms and big fans. I’m just collecting off the top third of th male. You can also build a window in your bag with cellophane and tape, to be sure when to collect. I find that three weeks after clusters are just about to open(that’s when I bag,not at beginning of flower cycle) is a good time to start collecting pollen.:grin:



Shop vac + bottle with base cut off + taped to the hose = SUCTION HOOD.

Put this just above your plant when your about to work and crank it when you do. Any particles airborne SHOULD get sucked up and into the vac. IF you have a secondary pipe, you can vent the vac’s exhaust directly out of a window.

I’ve done this back in the day doing stupid shit indoors involving photochemical fun when working in inappropriately vented places; but then implemented it into my garage when sanding or working with my rotary tool. :+1:

@Budderton , have you tried this with Tyvek envelopes? I used those all the time for mycology as it breaths ONE WAY and is a vapor seal. (water can only travel one direction).

It’s also prob more hassle than needed, but you could punch a hole in the bottom of the bag, use clear tape on both sides to cover said hole creating a small window to see how much pollen has fallen :hugs:


Not a bad idea! In this case I’m not too worried about it anymore cause I think my one girl in flower already got hit a bit and it’s not the end of the world if the Sour 60 randomly gets hit if there’s still stuff floating around when it hits flower.


I should mention that last night I went out and bought packing paper for this. This stupid lanky plant is too damn tall and I have nothing long enough to stake the bag up. On top of that it’s flopped over now from me trying to shake some pollen out of it like Homer strangling Bart and I don’t have anything long enough to stake it in place either :laughing: I just put a shelf of paper under the drooping top and will cross my fingers.


Next time just transplant your males into upside town hanging tomato backets!


For sure. I have used bags made from pieces cut off a 3’ roll of tyvek. One side faces out, one side faces in, from air exchange if that makes sense. I also dabble in mycology, but I go for still air in a still air box. I take the same approach with pollen, collect and apply in as still an air as I can get.:grin: