Buddertons Tomfoolery

Before you type anything, have you written it in your thread already? Curious about the whole process you do

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It is in my thread. Somewhere. It’s probably easier if I just give you the broad strokes.

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I like broad strokes. I don’t mind sifting through your thread though

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My thread is a chaotic mess just like my mind.

Simple bubble hash extraction. I don’t collect the 160 or anything below 45.

I’ll do 3-4 pulls until I judge that it’s spent.


I can work with those strokes!

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It’s a pretty simple procedure. The hardest part is the work and figuring out where to make your cuts. Some collect all the way down to the 25. Some only collect the 73. I find 45 to be the best value between quality and yield.

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Dam that sounds like fun hash.


It is definitely it’s own very interesting thing.

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Bubble is a new frontier for me. All concentrates are a new learning experience

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My best suggestion for your first bubble run is to use all the bags and see what you collect in them and see what you like. I don’t do that anymore because I’ve figured out where I like my cuts.

But it’s all in my old thread if you can dig it up. Not the new thread.

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What’s the old thread name? Thank you
Outa likes so :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Lol. Foreigner goes legal.
@Emeraldgreen that wasn’t a joke. That’s the name of his old thread.

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I thought he was talking about one before that :joy:

That is the first

Till they’re done. No idea how long they’ll take but I’m in it for the long haul. :grin:

Now I gotta make hash from them! You has me at lovely. I do dry sieve, so we’ll see how it goes.


The main catalyst was the bud yield was so large that I almost had to make hash from a portion of it. So I broke off a whole plant for the bags.


Thanks so much @Budderton :pray:
Seeds arrived in the mail and totally made my day. :grin:

I like the packaging :+1:


Great mail day ! Lots of goodness right there


Right on @Tuned . Glad they landed safe.



You must have anti fog lenses on your camera. @Budderton with some absolute heaters