Buddertons Tomfoolery

Rise up, Rise up.


What do we see rising up? They’re definitely rising up also.:heart::heart::heart::heart:


:microphone: “we stand on guard for trees.”


It’s potential parent stock for the next round of seed making EG. I’m starting the Appy hunt. Mostly based on Bodhi’s work but there’s also Bodhi x Appy f3 and straight Appy from H&L. Gonna make a few batches of inbred seed. I can also see myself selecting down some Cobra Lips to go to F3, judging by how nice the repros are turning out but time will tell.


Sounds great! Looking Forward to watching the project proceeding.


Hey that’s Roy Thompson hall in the background I was just there!


Good luck on your hunt. How many beans did you drop ? Got to be 20 or 30… can’t wait to see what you find


These hard to root Kushes have me breaking out the old school bubbler.



It’s a challenge getting square rooters in round holes :astonished:


The struggle is real… :rofl: The rock cubes are only acting as collars. I cut a slit in them in order to hold the snip and if root happens to grow in the cube, I just plant the whole unit.


Since I’ve got lots, I usually start 3 times more then I will need and then cull down to the ones I like. I’ve already pulled 6-8 sprouts this morning.
I would suggest this to anyone hunting with limited space. Start those whole flips and only grow the few that catch your fancy.


really? just go for it?

gearing up for my first breeding project over the winter. i have 3 candidate strains. still trying to decide.

so… in selecting which seedlings stay and which seedlings are culled, is there anything beyond the completely obvious (vigor, coloration, overall health) that you look for in keepers vs cullers?

experience is clearly an advantage i’m lacking here. any tips/tricks/observations are most welcome.
please and thanks.


Hey @Til_Valhalla , love the name! Yeah, pretty much what you mentioned. Vigor, amount of stretch, overall will to live. Not to complicated to make seed. It’s a simple process that is easily searched. The complications come in making your selections. And your selections depend on your end goal for that batch of seed. Are you trying to preserve? Improve? Narrow phenotype expressions? Your overall experience with growing cannabis will aid in choosing the good ones. The bigger your frame of reference, the easier you’ll be able to distinguish between good, really good, excellent, out standing and unique. You’ll also be able to make correlations between things in veg and how that translates to flowering. So if it your first time, I’d recommend sticking with one genotype for your pollen donor and just concentrate on getting viable seed. Go through the motions, so to speak. Best of luck!!


i got some lavender seeds from mr.bee.
i primarily want to grow/test it on abuela. see if it works for her.
second goal is to take the F2s to F3 and have some seed to give back to the community.

as you stated “limited space” is precisely what i have here. popping all 6 to grow out in 2gal buckets until the springtime probably won’t happen.

despite all that, i thought it would be a worthy project. i just have zero experience doing it. :wink:


I Gotta start doing this got a plethora of seeds might want to start being a bit more picky about my choosings really pick the standouts :call_me_hand:


Our man @Budderton is like the Jeffrey Dahmer of weed

Selecting only the hottest males. …culling a bunch in between. …keeping “trophies”, and I bet your place stinks to high heaven :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(I’m 1,000% kidding & mean no offense)


I love popping in here & seeing the work you continue to put in. It’s inspiring, man

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I’ve said it before but to do good selections you have to be selective. (Unless it’s an open) Sometimes the hardest part of making seed is knowing when to not make seed. That being said, I do chucks but I prefer to call them exploratory, opportunistic pollinations.:sweat_smile:


You just make it look and seem so easy, so seamless

And it probably is for you, by now. Good shit, brother!!!

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