Buddertons Tomfoolery

I offer a punch card. :grin:


Sunday morning Appalachia hunt update.
Appy f3 x Appy f3 fems. Yep, it’s finally happening @Slammedsonoma420 .:grin:

Golden Triangle x Appy f3 fems

And I’ll draw males from this lot. Wolf Pack x Cobra Lips, made to have the Appy male Bodhi used as the father of both parents.

Also have Cobra Lips f2s and Mothers Milk f3s to look through. Plan is to hunt quality females and put Appy f3 fem pollen onto them in order to produce a few batches of inbred Appy fem seed. Gonna keep males from the WP/CL to make inbred reg seeds later, and to have a back up, in case the fem pollen is not viable.


You want some MM F2 bro? Gladly hook you up?

Not sure how I missed that aerocloner post, but I love the idea, I hate those neoprene things! Everything is looking great as always. Stoked for the appy project! Always something I’ve wanted to hunt/grow , green crack too! I missed both MANY times . So I’m waiting on SOMEONE :wink: :wink: to do an adage on both :wink:


I’ve still got mm in the fridge, a few different ways @TopShelfTrees1 . I’m good for now, but if the ones I’m looking through are super impressive and I want to open them up, I’ll be reaching out for sure! And if all goes well, there will be some inbred Appy seed floating around this spring!:crossed_fingers:


Looking awesome, I hope you find what your looking for in them. Be interesting to see if the sandy trichs come through on the appy f3 s1. Have a great rest of your weekend.


Awesome! I’d kill for a pack of either atm. That’s one I can rest east on now. The GC I’ve been hunting the cut forever! Now I hope I can get a few beans, hunt my own. Always loved that shit! Just let me know, you’ve got open access to my stash regardless bro. As I’ve said many times @Budderton


I tipped my mattress delivery guys. Indiana Bubblegum and Blueberry muffin. Cannabis is a common tip in Oregon. So much weed. :open_mouth:


Looking great @Budderton! They’re healthy and happy :blush:
I love tipping in weed!


It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Thanks for the words of encouragement EG!

That would be awesome! I prefer the sandy when doing dry sieve! We’ll keep you posted @Slammedsonoma420 .
And thank you @TopShelfTrees1 . I’m sure I’ll be reaching out one day!


I have to say tipping in weed is also fun in that you can see what quality people are used to.
I just tipped a mechanic recently. I felt bad because it’s stuff I had bought that my wife is disappointed with. The mechanic on the other hand thought it was great!


A little off topic but sure am excited to be posting pics of your plants @Budderton and @Emeraldgreen

I was reading through the Sour Taxi posts on this thread and noticed fish scale leaves being mentioned. Totally love the bud structure of both the Sour Taxi and AHN. :fire::herb:

Check out the scales on the Sour Taxi:

The first plant, it’s really prominent and the second has nice deep red petioles. Smells funky as well. Unable to describe but I know this is gonna hit hard.

I had topped the Aunty Entity’s in anticipation of them stretching a lot during flower and am unsure of what to do with the Sour Taxi. Top or just let them grow out 1 massive cola?
For now, I’ve just cleared a little lower shoots and leaves.

Below pic, Aunty Entity in the top and Sour Taxi’s in the bottom.

The Auntie Entity’s are arranged size wise from left to right unintentionally. The left most looks like a solid specimen for sure. :boom::herb:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow these out. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Very nice @iceman


Super cool that your growing and showing them! Both sour and dirty taxi would double or better for me once flower was triggered. If height is a concern I’d definitely top. Looking happy and healthy! Great job


Thank you @TopShelfTrees1 and @Emeraldgreen :blush::pray:t3:

@Emeraldgreen , since I’m growing these out in 1gal pots (coco), height shouldn’t be a problem I feel.
Just that 1 Aunty got me all thinking that I topped the other 2 as well. :sweat_smile:

Honestly, I’m tempted to top the Taxi’s but they’re a little slow in veg. The Aunty’s are unbelievably fast. :eyes:
The dilemma I tell you…:joy::sweat_smile:


There is some training happening tonight in this Tent. Just a little heads-up, I cannot wait.
Here’s a Bhadra and a Squirrel Tail from last nites quik-peak.
Things are changing daily
Thanks again Gentlemen; @Budderton @iceman @Tlander

Even the autoflower is playin for keeps


I also try to keep cultivators with similar growth pattern together. It was a real pita when a couple plants with zero stretch got flowered with plants that doubled!
I grow in 1 gallon ebb and flow and get the stretch


Right on @iceman , plants are looking great!
Yeah, those scale like leafs line up with another ST grow that is a little ahead of yours. The plants in that grow appear very similar to yours. Not sure about the AE as you’re the first I’ve seen to grow it. Probably a good call topping them because their mom was a stretcher. I might be inclined to leave the ST natural, if you’re not going to veg for too long. Either way, thanks for keeping us updated, I appreciate it!


Nice @MissinBissin , things are looking tropical over there!! Something tells me you’re in for a long haul!


Is that a Nervous Chuckle coming out of my own mouth?!?!
Not a chance @Budderton we are pushing these ladies all the way. One-time!
Chest High is where the side-branches are going if possible


Hope the plants are aware of your plans :joy: good luck I’ll be watching