Buddertons Tomfoolery

ACMPR was around before legalization. The avg joe with no license can still get arrested for growing more than 4 plants and getting caught. Pretty lame in my books for a country that is “legal”.


Considering about 5% of the countries in the entire world are legal…I think we’re far from lame when it comes to cannabis laws. I can grow enough to keep me happy.


Right on @CanuckistanPete, I feel lucky to have recreational cannabis in my state now. Grow on my friends. 12 plants max. in my state unless they can’t see them :blush:


@Budderton I love landrace and weird stuff but at first sight of that baboon wine X chem I thought this is the kind of thing people buy nowadays and maybe a step forward from what’s clogging up the market. Looks like the right kind of herb to grow for others.


I don’t run rooms. I grow for the love the plant myself, the have nots, and friends/fellow growers.

But if I did still run rooms… this is the kind of thing I’d put in it in 2024. Not my jam for the head though.


Right on @MikeyMeteor . I aiming for “dessert weed that gets you high” with those. It’s often the case where the “candy” types taste great and are a pleasure to smoke but lack the real heavy hitting effects us daily smokers need. Hopefully the NYC Chem ups the potency, because the terps are right where I want them to be. All indicators look good but in the end, my testers will decide if it’s worthy.


It’s a clone only you discovered man. That baboon wine is crying to be scrogged and sogged and grown in rooms filled with hundred of solo cups and electricity from the lamp posts. People will be picking the fan leaves out of their bed in the morning with a big smile and looking to move their kids to the nice part of town. Does it clone easily?

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Lame? I can get a prescription to legally carry and smoke 5 ounces a day. I can get a license to grow a couple of hundred pounds. I have one of the smaller prescriptions available and I am allowed 27 plants outside. Most plants were a pound when harvested, with a couple pulling in 3 pounds. If it plant 30 plants of those 2 strains, I could have close to 100 pounds. Maybe, like the word vaccine, the meaning of the word lame has changed.


Hahaha! Taking me back to the 80s and all our Jimmy rigging we used to pull off!!(allegedly) :sweat_smile: Different times now. Pretty easy to find “elite clone onlys” now a days if you pop enough seed. Not like the old days, when a good cut could make you a lot of coin(allegedly) and cause all kinds of drama. We held them a lot closer back then.

I don’t know yet. I never took cuts and I’m gonna have to rely on a re-veg of the ones I like.


This is the only Mother Milk F3 that made it to flower. Out of a flip labeled MM #8 from @catapult

And 2 very different phenotypes of Cobra Lips F2, from the co op seed run.
One is kinda squat and Chemy looking,

And this one is slower to flower but is forming a long, running top cola, like you’d expect from a more tropical variety

This is a foul smelling pheno of Baboon Wine x NYC Chem. Garlic, body odor, ass.

And a peek at my super high tech cloning machine



Looking great brother!!



Dang that mothers milk looks like it would do real good in my grow tent :yum:


A quick update on some of @Budderton s seeds at work.
Here’s the Biker kush x (Pure og kush x Triangle kush).
I had 4 of them in a 1 gallon pot, but 3 turned male. I potted like this because I was gonna do some seeding, but decided against it at a later time.






As for smell…has a kushy, skunky, gassy smell…very nice! :ok_hand:


And here is triangle kush x biker kush.
I had kind of the same plan here…plant heavy and dense, then shotgun blast some seeds, but decided against it.
Had 5 plants in this 1 gallon pot, but 1 turned male.
All plants basically identical…buds on a stick…perfect for sea of green…same with the Biker kush x (Pure og kush x Triangle kush).
The smell for this one has skunky and kushy…doesn’t burn the nose but will make you want lean closer for a bigger whiff!







Thanks much @Budderton for all your hard work and generously spreading the seed!


Right on, thanks for posting @Tappy ! Im very happy with the way they turned out and you’re doing a great job with them! I hope they smoke nice for you! Happy harvest!!


Oh shit! I’ve gotta get off my ass in gear and handle these unruly somamabitches! Mostly (Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze) x Malawi Gold with a couple Aruka Valley x Malawi Gold in there too.



ah, you got this


So much for taking a break from the long flowering varieties till summer. I must be a glutton for punishment! :man_facepalming::sweat_smile:


You may be!! :joy:. They’re looking awesome