Buddertons Tomfoolery

This happens a lot with Thai. I’m glad the MMxNHxMG is doing well.


Ahh shit… sorry to hear. Always a thing you have to be on the look out for with those SE Asian heavy Sativas or any landrace/heirloom for that matter, as you know. I apologize for your waste of time and resources. I didn’t see any inter-sex traits in the parent stock but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hidden in the recessives (obviously). The 4 MM x NH x MG that I have at around 10 or 11 wks of flowering have zero male parts so far. If that Koh Gold is throwing whole branches of male flowers, it’s probably a true herm and I wouldn’t waste any more time with that one personally. Better off looking for one that flies true for you. Hopefully not too prevalent in that batch. Thank you for testing those out for everyone, I appreciate it. :pray:


Oh man no worries at all. It’s all in the game and time doesn’t stop. Somethings gotta grow :purple_heart: it’s a gorgeous plant though.

I’m just happy you’ve done the work to give me access to these genetics. I’ll definitely keep digging and see what’s going on. Good vibes and good times, man. More hit water tonight/tomorrow.

Oh and a quick q. Is your Afghani a slow vegger? Been trying to get this eternal sunshine(Hawaiian x omg) to grow quicker and it’s just happy to creep.


That is a beautiful looking plant @DirtySlowToes. That Malawi Gold male has made some interesting progeny so far.

Relatively.The Affie 9 line grows at a decent rate in veg and has a bit of stretch in flower and the Affie 11 line vegges slow to medium and has zero stretch in flower.


Appreciate your answer! This has been a weird little one to veg. Your experience is quite helpful for this guy.

Some good news… while poking around I saw that two of the mm x nh x mg were females! :tada:


The descendents of Studley Spewright through Meat & Sherb Breath hunt has gone into cook and as a result I have some space opening up in veg room. Hmm…



Two different cuts of Tergasm and an atypical Lemon Gooey.



I need smell O’ phone without the Fart ambiance or linger attached. Looking good


The more common (at least for me) phenotype of Lemon Gooey.

And this one is Blueberry Cupcake, with some tiny ass trich heads.



Those look delicious as f***!


Outstanding! Have you ever thought of crossing the two?


I’m usally of the mindset that cookies should be kept separate from heirlooms and the classics but when I stop and really think about it, that’s probably what the whole inbred cookies geno would benefit from the most. The Blueberry Cupcake is far from pure cookies and if they Lemon Gooey smokes nice, I may have yet another project on the books. Thanks for putting the bug in my eat @Tejas .:grin:


That’s interesting. I always thought cookies would benefit the most from outcrossing.
Cookies high is often described as monotone, I figured anything that was crossed to the cookie would help the high quality


A cross of Lemon gooey and Blueberry cupcake should ooze citrusy fruitiness.


Those blueberries are incredible! look absolutely good!


I always thought the same. Hit cookie hybrids back to the OG where it belongs. Get those terps and effects back but keep the benefits like vigor, bag appeal, higher bract to leaf ratio

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It takes a lot of sifting and crossing to get the true results you’d want but that’s where I think the benefits shine

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My morning efforts, still warm. Gonna have another look through the classic OG Kush types. They kinda kicked my ass a little last time, so I want to redeem myself. And of course do more inbreeding with them.

Hope yous all have a great weekend.


Same here, loompas and irene kick my ass so far trying to keep them happy among dozens others. But the payoff seems worth it. I just think like, what if these plants weren’t as needy? What if they were… easy going? Like today’s production cultivars.

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It’s kinda funny / sad because I know loompas produces tasty and amazing flowers that are out of this world.

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