Buddertons Tomfoolery

What are you germinating in @Budderton ?


You know what they say about OGs, the nicest one is the one you can keep happy till harvest. I’m still working on ingredients to a bigger goal, but hopefully I can find a small amount of heterosis by bumping these different but closely related types together.


Here’s a little pic as a treat

Loompas by PepeLePew

I gotta check my mom today it’s all goofed up


Tk S1s
Tricycle (seed from 3 selected TK s1 moms)
Glitter Trike (seed from 3 selected pure ogxtk S1s moms)
Pedal Driven kush (seed from 2 selected Biker kush moms)
Biker Kush f2 (Overgrow sourced)
Tk M10 f2 (Overgrow sourced)
Biker Slush f2
Edit: add a small number of SFV OG Bx3 F3s(based on 707 genetics) saving the rest to make f4s at a later date.

Gonna select males from the Tricycle or Glitter Trike(whichever I like best) and inbreeding the shit out of everything. Looking to have a few tight OG Kush building blocks to make hybrids with other inbred stuff I’ve been working on. Hopefully find some true hybrid vigor eventually.


Let me know if you want any of the kush cuts I have to assist in that, in the future. Can’t promise anything because I’m battling thrips (just hung up slow release packets yesterday) but I can try to assist. In particular I would say Tahoe and Irene were not let downs even after doing a passing/mediocre grow on them.


With loompas and irene I wanted to try and see if could give them that motorbreath/wedding crasher vigor and make them less sensitive feed wise.

(Cause holy heck I do not enjoy when they get crabby)

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Thanks, but what solution are you using to germinate your seeds? WC and water?


What’s WC stand for?

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Worm castings.


Idk how but im not sure ive ever seen a triplet. How cool :sunglasses:.


if im not mistaken i recall him using an aloe mixture.


Right on @leetdood , I appreciate the offer but I’m a no clone in guy.:pray: I haven’t taking in a cut since 08-09. I mean no offense, I don’t take in cuts from any source.

2 kinds of fresh aloe blended with boiled water. I let the mixture stew for a bit till it’s not super hot but still warm and then devide into the cups. It’ll turn red by tomorrow due to high iron content in the aleo that oxidizes.


No offense taken brother, as I mentioned i made seeds also, ill dm you

No offense taken also if you don’t want those ones, I might be an iota bummed, just an iota :wink: but everybody chooses what is on their plate, to find success


Right on @CARE_giver , I haven’t seen any since. That batch had a lot of twins in it as well. It’s from a line that is very near to my heart that I call The Don. Named in honor of my friend Donna, who we lost 2 yrs ago after a momentous 5yr battle with cancer. It was her favorite and her inputs help steer selections.She was thrilled to see the packs I made for her.
I’m a little freaked out (in a good way) because I started some of the Don seed, along with the latest round but wasn’t going to mention it, being a private run, and here you comment on a old post about seed from that very line. Weird coincidence or cosmetic intervention? Sorry to be a bummer and get all heavy…
Side note: We love you Donna! See you down the road, you beauty!!


The way you name these strains makes me certain you’re a biker and a cyclist :slightly_smiling_face:


Explain Golden Papaya Crunkboat. :rofl:


You know it @globalhead . Long time cyclist from a cycling family. Plus mixing the word “Biker” into the cross name is someone else’s thing that I don’t want to infringe on. :man_biking:

I’m not even sure what a crunkboat is?:rofl: Exotic Mike came up with that part of the name.


Hey @Budderton have you yourself grown out any of your Glitter Trikes yet? Man, you really should pop at least a couple if you have room, since it seems you’re already working with them you really gotta try it out by itself. It’s a FANTASTIC representation of OG Kush as a whole, I really can’t say it leans any one way, it’s a really great mix of the lineage :+1:. About to trim all mine up tonight and get it in jars, I’ve been snacking on uncured lower nugs and they are TASTY even before the real taste has time to marinate :ok_hand::heart::heart:


Awesome @RookieBuds ! It’s nice to hear that they turned out the way I hoped and that you are enjoying it! Looking forward to a cured smoke report.
I started a healthy number of GT this morning, along with a few other inbred old school OG Kush types and another pack of Tk S1s from CSI. Gonna be looking for males from the GT to further inbred the lines.


This is my personal policy as well. One rather large variable to get rid of when facing troubles! Plus I fucking love seeds :green_heart: