Buddertons Tomfoolery

The Lemon Gooey(chunky pheno) from @santero has completed re-veg and now I’ll let it bush out till I can pull a wave of clones. I try to wait till the new growth is throwing 5 bladed leafs before I take clones off a re-veg plant.



I do something similar. I just take clones in flower instead of revegging the whole plant. I like using them under a screen.
This one looks ready to spit out some good clones. They definitely provide plenty once fully revegged.


Calling it on this Maze AKA MM x NH x MG. Right around 17 wks of 11/13.

Letting these 2 ride for another wk before reevaluating.

The last pic, the spear shaped cola, kinda reminds me of the Squirrel Tail Thai and I think it’s gonna go close to 20 wks, if I can keep it alive that long.:sweat_smile:
And then there’s this Meat Breath(OGKB dom)f1 x Sherb Breath f1. It ran into Sherb Breath f2 male pollen for some inbred Breathness.

And it’s cousin, a Sherb Breath f1 male A backcross. The same Meat Breath OGKB dom female as a starting point and using the same male twice. This one’s got the menthol going at the moment.
Fan are getting that LED sunburn.

And I’m pretty sure there’s no correct answer to this but what do you call a cross back to an earlier filial generation? ie: F4 x F2. I have found good results with intergenerational backcrosses and never really called it anything. I just wrote it down in the pedigree as such.
Anyone have opinions on the subject?


Not sure if that should be called a BX or IX (backcross/incross) - I guess I’m not sure whether backcrossing specifically means crossing it with the next generation, or if it’s just anything crossed with its own ancestry. Incross can mean crossing different lines of the same strain, so probably just a F2BX1? If you want to denote that it’s crossed with an F4 as well somehow, all the better. You usually don’t see people going into that much detail unless it’s breeding notes, and at that point it’s just about what makes sense to you, not what makes sense to the rest of us. :stuck_out_tongue: I’d be interested to hear it if there’s any official taxonomy, though…


Right on @Cormoran . I’ve used it when I feel like things are getting off track or if losing vigor but don’t have the original parents. It seemed to tighten up the phenotype variation and bring the vigor back up. I guess it would just be the next filial generation to the general public. ie:F4 x F2 = F5 .


Sounds about right… any time you can mix in slightly different variations on the genetics while keeping the parent phenos generally the same, I guess that’s what happens. Same kinda playbook used in GG4 RIL, and that worked out pretty well. :+1:

I think most people probably wouldn’t care when it gets down to the nitty-gritty like that, most people just want to grow them. :slight_smile: I’m pretty sure that’s not technically correct though, and if nothing else I think most people would assume F5 specifically means F4 x F4. Either F2BX1(F4xF2) or IX(F4xF2) seems to fit much better if you’re trying to tell others the exact details, or just skip the (F4xF2) to keep it short, IMO.


Personally i would rather you retain clarity and called it an IX


Are you guys talking about cannabis genealogy, or are you naming the next Ferrari? :wink::joy:


Why does it have to be one or the other? :wink:


Shit i thought that was the dinner bell !


Beautiful long flowering plants @Budderton :heart_eyes:🫶🏼


Happy Sunday.!
Affie #11 f3 seed are ready to send out. Follow the complicated directions in this link to recieve a pack in your mailbox. :grin:
Only 10 spots left in this round of mailings.
EDIT: all the spots have been filled for this round of mailings. There’ll be another round once I work through the commitments I’ve taken on. To everyone that reached out, thank you for your interest!!


Thank you @Budderton!



Hey @Budderton! Here is a few pics of the golden papaya x crunk boat. She is frosty and has those oily, sticky trichs that make me think she is potent. She stinks of grape/tropical hubba bubba, she smells awesome.

Also wanted to share this Deluxe Blues from @CanuckistanPete. She is a frost machine and has started to turn a great colour. Smells strongly of blueberries, really nice terps.


Nice ones @Loggershands ! That Deluxe Blues looks delicious! I’m pretty sure i have some of those beans and that makes me happy! The GP x CB is a little atypical of some of the others I’ve seen and that’s awesome! Looks more Papaya and less OG kush to me, glad it’s turning out for you. Happy harvests!!


Beautiful grow on both of those…I can smell those right here! :nose::relaxed::crazy_face:


You didn’t say anything about Deluxe Blue!!!


It’s actually Blues Deluxe…I sent you some, right?

Comes in one of these…pretty sure I included it in the 1st Coastal Blueberry package…


Sorry @CanuckistanPete, I will it right one day!


Thats a nice puck