Buddertons Tomfoolery

It’s a good one either way!


That’s what I was thinking, “cool puck” :sunglasses:


Hey @Budderton . These genetics that you sent me are “kicking ass and taking names”. lol. :rofl: Here are some better pics of those MM x NH x MG.

They have short internodes so far. I decided to not bend them over or tie them down. Im going to let them Rock n Roll and see if they make some 5 foot long colas. :rainbow:


Cool Looking puck, I love the Color, clear blue :grinning:


I will have to look.


Right on @Magu ! Yeah, they are definitely growers. @Hashpants has one that got to be close to 10 ft by now, they literally grow like a weed. The more hrs of sunlight and space for the roots you give them, the bigger and faster they’ll grow. You might be asking a bit much expecting 5 foot colas from that little pot(unless the bottom is cut out😁) Either way , I’m looking forward to seeing how they do for you!


Quick update
White Apricot Sherbet x Sherb Breath

Meat Breath x Sherb Breath male A x Sherb Breath male A

Carls Meat

Meat Breath S1s are starting to differentiate themselves. Here’s a couple phenos.

And here’s a shot in the dark. Do any of you Michigan growers (or anyone for that matter) know what the genetics behind Meatloaf are. Meatloaf is the female that Thug Pug used to make Meat Breath. Supposedly an OGKB hybrid clone only from the Michigan region. Any insight is appreciated.


Great looking seed puck haven’t got one of those yet.
Hint hint.


This one is the banger imo, haha

Random bullshit quote here… cropper homie I talked to basically outright said he thought gromer was full of shit, there was no meatloaf clone circulating, etc, that it was just some gsc or ogkb pheno. He had no sources on this just thought gromer was full of shit on that one. Can’t say I’ve ever found any info to prove otherwise.

@CanuckistanPete fricken sick puck man clear blue was a great choice


Sherb starting to show out on me btw, but I feel like i really could’ve done lots lots better with her.


What keeps nagging at me is, I guess, it almost grows like bubba… it’s quite different from bubba so I’m not saying it’s that similar. But there are some shared traits I see here… I don’t know about you.

Speaking about Matt berger bubba / irene here, dryback needs, kinda picky with feed but more like irene than bubba, etc


Yep, that’s what I was thinking too @leetdood . I see a couple of the s1s that are very Bubba-ish in their flower structure. I suspect Meatloaf was a fem pairing of OGKB and one of the worked OG Kush clone onlys. Might be cool to drop some inbred OG Kush onto a MB s1 (kush leaner) and see how far the progeny gets pulled over to the Kush?


@ix3u made those…and that was the first colour he showed me. I just put the seeds in them.


25 posts were split to a new topic: Estacionsj v2

I’m out of likes because of you;)… thanks for sharing your experience


Here’s that maze I’ve got in flower. Know you already saw it but want to interrupt some of this squidgery. It’s a fine apology but it doesn’t need to be accepted. Anyway. Have a good day y’all


Nice @DirtySlowToes ! Its been getting weird on the old Tomfoolery thread today? Was buddy spaming a bunch of theads? I don’t even think I’ve interacted with that fella. Not sure what brought that on and don’t really care, onto the important stuff!!

Yeah that’s the way the Maze grows @DirtySlowToes , ,like a weed kinda. It’s very much an equatorial sativa type. Should make some decently structured flower but It’ll take 16-20 wks to mature. I’ve got some hanging that should be dry enough to sample. No cure yet but maybe I can get a glimpse of what it might be. Gonna go check…


I don’t know that cats story one bit, but I don’t vibe with those who take from those I act like I know. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::purple_heart:

This will finish up just in time for the cold weather to come crashing down. It’ll be everything I need come end of November. It’s cool that there’s a number of us flowering this right now. Party on


Not dry enough, dammit. This one leaned to the Malawi Gold side and was done in 16wks under 11/13.
No flash.

Cola splayed open, flash on, to highlight the flower structure and trich coverage.

My fingers are now sticky and smell like something I’d like to smoke.


Look great there.
@Budderton as always looking forward to smoke test reports :grin: