Buddertons Tomfoolery

Oh fuck, I wrapped em in a wet towel :man_facepalming:t2: will have to get that out of there tonight


How do you deal with your thrips?


I spray spinosad on plants in veg. :skull_and_crossbones:


And it works second spay in 3 days for me no aphids to be seen . It works very well on lots of different bugz .


Where do you get it from?


I had to order it from the states and hope it cleared customs @Purple_Drank604 . I’m pretty sure it was from here. It made it and it works great. Just turn off all your exhausts for 3-4 hrs when you apply. This stuff is severely toxic to bees but becomes inert after 3 hrs or so.:grin::peace_symbol:


7 weeks!? Ya I have to get on top of this because I run into so many space issues that plant health declines in some. This would be an amazing practice for me to start trying.

Budderton… The true wizard :mage:


Yes, it’s really handy when pheno hunting. By 7-8 wks you have a decent idea of what you wanna keep around and you didn’t waste space by holding cuts you’ll never grow out. I definitely didn’t come up with the idea, just saw it on a forum a few years back and adopted the practice.:v:


I will be trying this asap. I have ran my self into issues with to many plants over and over. I have made some big changes with what I am doing, but this may help me get things under control even more :vulcan_salute:


Right on @bassman5420 , good luck with it! I’ve been doing it for a few years so feel free to hit me up on specifics if need be, when the time comes.:v:


This is my life :joy::joy:


Lol thats some pricey stuff


This morning I smoked a half a joint of Purple Alaskan x Tahoe Cheese, from @Gazza , to get the day going.

Smoke was nice and smooth, with strong pepper and a touch of terpinolene on the backend. The smoke was thick and hit me at the bottom of my lungs, unlike a gassy weed, which tends to hit in the sinuses, mouth and throat, for me.
I was left with a sense of well being and motivation. Loaded the truck and made a dump run.

After lunch I tried a half joint of Grape Dragon F3, from @BasementBeans .

It smelled like grapes and dank. Not sweet, not gassy or sour, just dank. And I was surprised by how immediate and strong the flavor was. As soon as it touched the lips it was a strong grapes/dank taste, that hit me in the mouth and throat. Effects where sedating in the body but my mind was racing with things to include in my smoke report for about 20mins, then the next thing you know, I was napping.

After being awoken and making another dump run I tried a half a joint of SFV BX3 F2 , from seed I got from @Kcity87 .

This one smelled of lots of gas up front with pledge lemon cleaner in the back. It had the HEH(high end hack) that hits you up in the sinuses, and stabs you in the lungs with little needles.(in the best kinda way) My face got hot and I got some dirty cotton mouth. My eyes closed to half mast and I wanted to eat one of everything in the kitchen. :grin::peace_symbol:


Sounds like a roller coaster type day . All three of those look good .


I just looked at the link. Holy shit! I didn’t buy that one. I just got a pint of this stuff…$40-50 USD I believe.

But I think it was from that website.


It was a great Sunday @ShiskaberrySavior ! All three where really good! A testament to the quality of all the fine selections being made here on OG!:v:


I’d got mine from a buddy I had a 10 oz pop bottle full it goes a long ways . I know it’s expensive and you don’t need much for it to work.


ICC fem still cooking…


So I wanted to show the process of how I wake up snips that have been stored in the fridge for an extended period because it’s pretty cool.
These snips have been in the fridge around 6 weeks. When I took them out they look quite dead. I recut the stems and got them soaking in a tap water/cloning solution mix, inside a humidity dome.

Fresh out the fridge, recut and sprayed with water, about to go in the dome. Looking very near dead.

Six hours later…

Twelve hours later…

Twenty four hours later…

Now they are all up and Adam, it’s time to put them into rooting medium (I use rock cubes) and carry on as pre usual.
I plan on doing some experimenting to see how long I can keep a snip in the fridge and still root it. I’ve done eight wks with 90% success but I’m hoping I can get twelve wks. :crossed_fingers::v::grin:


Awesome work @Budderton them buds look spectacular you bloody grow them better than me :rofl:

Love ya work mate, I’m out of action at the moment but when I get reset I’ll be back on here more often cheers bro.