BUILD A SOIL Build A Soil feedback thread

I think for new gardeners and/or folks in or around CO it’s a good option for people who don’t want to recycle their soil or are just getting started.

I’ve only used the craft blend and it works fine. Nothing special but plants will make it to the finish line. :potted_plant:


I currently use a modified version of Coots mix, which is what most of BAS soils are as well. I learned to make the mix from BAS. Some of the ingredients that I couldn’t find local I ordered from them.

At one time I really liked BAS. They had an AWESOME customer loyalty program(it’s now gutted), were reliable, helpful and everything they offered had a published transparent ingredient list for DIY. They encouraged you to… I forget their catch phrase but, be independent and source locally. Which I feel I have mostly accomplished now. I have no need to visit a grow shop.

If you watch some of their older videos you can see the shift from DIY to full sales mode. Most if not all the recipes for DIY are gone now. Last I watched, their video series are no longer about being self sufficient, but introducing new product after new product.

So, in all fairness; as a business model, probably not the most self sustainable thing to encourage folks to DIY. On the flip side, when you build a brand and reputation around such things, well, that’s the expectation and precedence being set.

I forgot to touch on price. Yup some things are very expensive. Shipping is the killer and their new shipping model is anti-consumer.

Sorry for the ramble… it’s early :slight_smile:


I’ve been using the Craft Blend this season on my weed and veggies and everyone is pretty happy. While it’s fairly finely ground and mixes OK…I like to use a coffee grinder and micronize it so it full mixes into solution completely with no floaties/etc. Seems to be priced at about the same as Dr. Earth/Down To Earth/etc.

I owned a hydro store for a bit. It’s not the money-maker you think it is. Sure isn’t as easy as slinging weight…LOL…nor as profitable. Guys rollin in with rolls opf Bens wanting you to sell to them for less than you bought shit for. Nah…no thanks. Broke even and GTFO. 4 years of hard work w/o a paycheck. Yeah…those hydro guys really take ya to the cleaners :roll_eyes:

be safe out there


Maybe thats why the experience is so shitty. The love and passion sucked out by the tax collector. The husk of a successful grower left to run a shop filled with eager young minds. Impressionable young minds ruined by a middleaged grower that just wants to go back to pushing units from a few houses. But now its legal…and bikers, lawyers community college students and an unidentified body.

The BAS fan fiction inspired by @TrichomesToStun is fun too. Someone got to Jeremy. Shifts from DIY to selling bottles. He replaces homegrow space with Crypto farming equipment/ end times bunker. Believes in himself so hard that he runs for office…

Please forgive the ramblings of a stoned man.



Same here, mine is a KIS mix which is very similar to the Coots mix. Really easy to recycle.



i am sentimental or just mental but i still pay homage to sub cool and his mix every year i mix more. . no reason can i buy it pre mixed yes you can i just plan a day get my inputs and a couple of beers turn on old pod casts of the weed nerd and rock out with the sub cool


I dig it. The 10x10 series on youtube is so, so good for any new growers. And he has said dozens of times, “you don’t need to buy this from us”. Take the free info imo, don’t buy what you dont want to buy, pretty simple.


All those cootie nutey folk have done is confuse new growers. The dumb shit I hear. Combined with the lack of confidence. I’ll bet you money it’s the nitrogen, not “da enzymes”, making barley a good fertilizer. You’ll tell me I’m wrong but won’t put your money where your mouth is. It’s an intolerable situation.

"Water only ’ except for the 500ppm tap water and top dressing seed meals and microbe pak every week.

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I dunno how anyone can get too confused off the BAS youtube channel. They break it down pretty simple.

Barley does have nitrogen…and they sprout it before dehydrating it which releases specific enzymes…doesn’t seem to confusing to me, I’m pretty sure most people understand the science behind sprouted seeds…Smoke a little bit too much?


As a small business owner myself I can definitely attest to how insane overhead is these days, for just about anyone. It’s nearly impossible to upscale if you’re not borrowing, and that’s a whole other beast. It’s rough in these streets y’all :sweat_smile: I highly doubt BAS has switched to a business protocol that focuses on them price gouging and ripping off their customer. Thankfully for us we live in a free market and we can spend our money where we like! I’ve watched a few of Jeremy’s videos, and never found him to come off as money grubby or a huckster. He seems like a genuine happy person who is offering a premium product at a premium price, and at the very least offering a ton of his personal insights for free on the front end. While there totally is a place for calling out nefarious or fraudulent business practices I feel like this company does not deserve any personal slander in that regard. My 2 cents for product reviews is it would totally be OG of us to focus on reviewing the quality of the soil and the price point, and keep the vibes positive! Peace! :dove:


Imho success breeds hate.


Have you ever added barely to a soil mix, watered it, and given it a week?

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Gnarly Barley plus a lil bokashi equals MYCELIUM



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Ok maybe I was a little harsh. I still do buy stuff from BAS. My whole recroom is actually full of stuff from there. But they kind of screwed me on my rewards. I had a shitload of reward credit there and then they changed stuff so I could only use $5 of it on each order instead of it all on one order. So instead of being able to take $100 off an order the max I could get off is $5 a time. That pissed me off. I’ve also seen the prices rise as more people get into growing.

Another time I ordered Organics Alive dry powder from them and it had partially crystallized so there were solid chunks instead of powder. I told them and Jeremy only gave me like %15 of my money back. I just expected more from them after all the business I’ve sent them. Hell, I probably paid for half his car, :rofl:


I dont think anyone can deny that Jeremy is a positive for the community, at the very least he gets people interested in creating their own soils.


Aww thankx. Simply
following the instructions of @CrunchBerries and the SIPPIES.

Gnarly Barley is good shit!


I’ll probably never ever do a soil grow in my house, lol! But I still find a bulk of his info very useful for me as a gardener outdoors with veggies and flowers, etc. I still enjoy his canna content, he’s not the most meticulous trimmer but his buds still look pretty awesome :wink: :+1: to be fair I’d probably speed-thru my trimming if I had that much to trim too

BAS has some good products and practices. Utilize the good sales if you go that route. But above all else just educate yourself along the way when getting into living soil or low maintenance organic gardening. Basic understanding of certain processes can become much more valuable than any companies products.


They got some awesome youtube videos. Science stuff.

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