Bullfights In Western Kenya

Bullfighting is a vibrant tradition in western Kenya. It’s one of the major regional and international tourist attractions.

The bull owners deploy a simple gameplan while training their champions. Get your fighter as aggressive as possible!

There’s a specific sativa that grows in Migori that’s highly popular with the participants. It produces a vibrant body high and has been around since the tournaments began. First, the farmer rolls up about half an ounce of the Migori sativa inside dried corn husks.

He then feeds it to the bull as a stamina enhancement. The photo below shows an example

Here are a couple of photos of the Migori landrace sativa buds


I always thought that thc needed heated to a certain temperature before it becomes active and has its “therapeutic” effects?? Hence why it’s smoked. Maybe it’s just the human thc receptors that requires it??


Might help reduce inflammation in its joints
: )


That’s an interesting point

Cbd is the same though right?? Just doesn’t need as high of a temperature to activate it???
Isn’t decarbonisation needed when it’s being ingested that way??? This plants a rabbit hole. :rofl:

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I’ve read that dogs and cats don’t need decarboxylation - maybe bovines are the same.


In hiillside Nepal they feed big balls of weed, half kg plus, to the buffalo in order to help aid their digestion, it also makes them thirsty so they take on water. doubt it gets them stoned as I think the last thing you would want is a stoned bull or buffalo to deal with.


How do they know this though?? Cats and dogs do random stuff anyway. Unless your Dr dolittle no one knows. :rofl:


I don’t know - maybe someone knows dog language or something. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Stoner talk is the best isn’t it?? :rofl:
My brother once asked me if a German dog met a uk dog if they could communicate. That shit messed my brain up :rofl:


If you ask people of different nationalities what sound a chicken makes you get very varied answers, not just cock a doodle doo.


If they put it in corn husks id imagine they’re making cob’s with it first :thinking: that process would decarb it first…


International tourists? In Migori? You mean Tanzanians? Ati, tourists almost never make it to Nyanza Province. At least they never used to.