Bullskinners 2020 Hillbilly Grow Show

Thanks. I may get to run by today or call them first I guess. I’m not sure if they’ll be open or not. Most places are closed up but the nursery could be going. That’s a great idea and would get me to start using the cups again. I have a walmart about a mile away and can probably have them hold a few for me. I don’t think they’ve even brought the plants in yet. It won’t be long… peace


I had to go to bigger pots yesterday. They where getting to big and needing watered daily. They are getting big enough for me to take clones when I top them which I will throw on 12/12 immediately and wait for them to show sex. I’ll then pitch all my males except what I want to keep for pollen. Everything is right on track


They’re looking fat and happy! Now with more room in the pot, they’ll get fatter and happier, heh.


They are going to be pretty big in another 4 to 6 weeks. Think I’ll back off the ferts just a bit…lol. I need to get these cloned and sexed so I can thin the herd a little.


Shit is starting to happen around here. I am really itching to put these out and they are ready. Maybe I can start in 4 weeks… Lol, I’m going to have to build a shed just to keep them. I took clones off of several of these when I topped them and did not have much luck with them. I’ve lost about half… I have a homemade bubble cloned I haven’t used in a long time but always had great success with it, guess I need to break it out. I used a cloning jell this time and possibly that is my problem. I seem to have my best results using soil just putting them in bare. I guess I should just LIFTA if it works


Hey @GMan this might help ya if they’re outside I use a pallet to hold the solo cups. Keeps them snug and I can move them around as they get bigger.


That’s a nice idea, too. I need a couple of new pallets for a few things.


Had a big day today…it has begun. I put 26 unsexed plants in the ground today. Pictured above is a couple of the BOG Sour Strawberry. I might be jumping the gun just a little but I needed to make room. Everything here seems to be a couple weeks ahead. I like to wait until the mushrooms are about finished before I plant and there about done here. I turned the dirt in everything I planted a couple weeks ago so it was a quick job today
BOG Sour Grape. Everything planted today was around this size


You should throw down some mulch, bro. Keep those roots cool in the summer


Hey @Meesh I did gather up quite a bit of leaf litter and surrounding weeds to help camouflage-mulch them in after I took the picture. I’ve never used bought mulch but it would be easier then I could just easily throw some leaf litter on it so it blends in. Here after it warms up more and the rain guits I might just get a few bags. It would no doubt save me from carrying so many 5 gallon buckets of water to them. I think you just talked me into it


As soon as you start getting grass clippings, they’ll work really good as mulch. It’s not real pretty, even better in this case, but it slow releases nitrogen back into the soil, and really keeps the weeds at bay, too. Plus, you’ll retain moisture much better. Win win win.

It’s always good if you can be picky about the clippings too. You wouldn’t want clippings that had pesticides or chemicals in it, imo. It’ll work no matter what type it is.


I use grass clippings on my vegetable garden. It would be pretty easy to gather some for my plants. I also have a pretty big compost pile. I really like using it. I have some that should be pretty high in nitrogen and would be great for vegetative growth. Packing in my mulch is really a pain in the ass but no dought is one of the best thing I could do for my plants. It would definitely cut down on my watering plus add nutrition for my plants. If I put 5 gallons a plant at this point that would be 130 gallons…lots of work ahead


Just watched the weather and they are calling for 33° Friday night. Damn I wish I had held off until the 15th like I usually do…I really needed to make room. The real problem is if they do hit 33 it will frost where I am, some of my plants are in frost pockets…you know those places where your walking along and the cold air hits you in the face like a wall. I’m really hoping the forecast warms up but I’ve got my buckets ready if it doesn’t


Ok I’m curious can I ask …The buckets are for ?
Do you place the bucket over it to protect the plants from frost ?
Or am way of base

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Yep exactly. It will protect them if it just gets down into the upper 20s. I did have a tomato I put out early and it got down to 22 and it is still going


Cheers mate , officially best thing I learned all day !
I get a few late frosts where I am and always at the worst time , this trick will come in handy , if I can get outdoor a couple weeks earlier than last year it’s all good news

It does work great in the spring when things are still small. You want to try an get descent contact with the ground and stop the cold air but covering the plant will help if it frost just like parking a car under a canopy keep the frost off the car. But you want to be sure and get them off asap in the morning. The heat from the sun can build up pretty fast in the bucket… Especially in a black one. In the fall I have used tarps many times on plants that weren’t ready yet around my yard. Kinda like a greenhouse to extend the growing season, I just have to take them off every day


What region do you live in @Bullskinner? I’m guessing upper midwest or northeast? I know the cold weather was going there, and actually pretty far down into the southeast US.

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I’m in Central Illinois. They are now calling for 30°. Which will put those frost pockets in the bottoms down in the upper 20s. Damn I got in to big of a hurry. I’ve got my Friday night plans…Bucket Brigade here I come


Good luck. We may get a fros tonight. I haven’t planted outside yet. But I have plants in pots, some out all night and some only in day. It should be about it for us. Already hot and dry so I hope no frost.

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