Calcium deficiency or Lockout?

So do you know the actual ppms of your cal and Mg in total?


I was going to say toxicity until I saw the yellow leafā€¦ if I had to guess I would say up w the feed and or calmagā€¦ I have my calmag numbers at around 90ish to 100 calcium and 60 to 68 Mg. Not sure if that helpsā€¦ good luck bro!!


Thank you Friend.I am very baffled.I have a toxicity and deficiencyā€¦this brings me to Lockout imbalances.That Is why I want to flush.
I donā€™t know Total ppm of Ca and Mg from Canna fertilizers,so my dilemma goes on


It can deffo give headaches ā€¦ I struggled with mine for the last several months dialing in my feedsā€¦ I use salts and make my own kind ofā€¦ using jacks 20 20 20ā€¦ maxibloomā€¦ I have a couple diff calmags for different timesā€¦ (high N calmag for stretch) . Iā€™m using hydrobuddy a nutrient calculator to figure the feeds and ppmsā€¦ if you can maybe contact them they may be able to tell you whatā€™s in it per ml or per Gram per gal


Thank you friend.Just for curiosity,dry jacks are avaiable in Europe?


I believe soā€¦ if not ā€¦ something very similar!!


Looks like it


On Amazon uk


The water looks ok to me. I wouldnā€™t think youā€™d have a problem with Canna. Iā€™ve only used the Canna Coco AnB with RO water, but never had any problems if I kept the pH at 5.8 and had a good runoff.

I didnā€™t need any cal/mag, or P/K. No problems until later grows when I got fancy.

I use Megacrop now, way, way less expensive than Canna, and I think itā€™s better and easier.

You may want to think about feeding for a longer time, and getting a stronger runoff. Pulls in more O2.

Iā€™m not sure if you need to up your ec, or not, until you try that.


I used canna coco a and b and if I remember it lacked magnesium and something else.
@Andrexl use a nutrient profile calculator like cannastats (angel fire cantina). Youā€™re ca and mg on water is not bad but Iā€™m not an expert on the rest of the report.
Right now all my veg plants get around 70 ppm per gallon of magnesium and cal around 100 ppm except my organic soil grown moms.

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Thank you :heart:
Yes I Will search for this cannastats

I Just flushed by adding 15 liters to the 7,5 pot because the calcium Lockout Is going Crazy fast.
I poured 1 lā€™iter at time slowly,with 0,6Ec of Canna Coco nutrients +0,4 tap water EC.The plant never get lower than 1 EC and stayed there.
For my next feeding I Will use 25% Distilled as Canna support told me,and feed at 1 EC again.
My ipothesis Is if I see yellowing progressing at bottom leaves(which Is going on) I will up the nutrient solution EC.
What do you think?Suggestions?


Thank you for support,It means a lotā¤ļø


I would follow Canna Supportā€™s advice to the tee. I would have used 22l to flush a 7.5l pot, but all the rest seems good.

Your plants look pretty nice, overallā€¦ it also looks like you caught the deficiency just in time.

I think your idea of watching the leaves is a good oneā€¦ read the plants, lol!

Just go slowly if you want to bump up the ec.

Are you increasing the amount feed time to get more runoff?

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I am feeding by my hands at the Moment,so I am sure I pour 500ml and get good runoff that I can MEASURE
What I am not doing Is using their pH down nitric acid,I am using Citric liquid pH down,I think this Is Just for selling their product
I am also using Hydrobuddy to see if I can use my calmag from biobizz instead of buying canna that Is pricey

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For a comparioson, I bloom in 2gallon airpots, 7.5l. I hand feed once a day, 3.5-4l, probably get 600-1000ml runoff. I use cheap nutes!

I donā€™t use cal/mag, ever. I do add a soluble 10% calcium w/ every feed. I mix a bottle of that @2tsp/l. Add it to the base feed @1TBS/l. I add that after Iā€™ve pHā€™d the finished mix. I donā€™t care about the pH/ec w/ the Ca. Pot is a Ca hog, and wantā€™s even more in coco.

If I ever need Mg, which is rarely, I scratch 2 TBS of Epsom Salts into the top, and feed normally, watering in the Epsom.

I use some cheapo phosphoric acid for pH down.

Not saying you should do this, just an example, and also the way I do it.

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I see, this Is really an insifht and helpful to me, thank you for your EFFORT and TIME.
I discovered my Total alkalinity Is 200 ppm or mg/l.So you use RO and add the calcium, I shouldnā€™t do It because my tap has plenty right?

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I add cal mag to my tap with cocoā€™ I just start low 1/2 teas per gallon when I am in bloom I bump to 1 teaspoon per gallon peace


I think most of the alkalynity in your water is made up carbonates. They need to be broken down by microbes to become available to your plants. Thatā€™s not gonna happen in coco.

In my well water, the TA is around 700ppm. It made it so it was pretty much impossible to hold a steady pH. Your TA is fine, I think.

To my eyes, you have a Ca deficiency, not Mg, but if Ca/Mg is all you have, try it.

I thought you used Canna coco, and it was pre-rinsed and buffered . If thatā€™s not the case, Ca/Mg could help.

But like Iā€™ve been saying, keep your pH at 5.8, and feed until you get plenty of runoff.

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I use canna Coco pro plus,It Is weird I am having this issue.Canna support Just told me to use 20% Distilled with the rest Tap.
But no suggestions about using calmag.Yes The deficiency Is going further.Today I bought pk 13/14 and pH down + another batch of canna Coco A+B
I am upping the EC to 1.3 already but the plant Is showing runoff of 0.950 EC.
Seems deficiency Is really happening.
PHing at 5.8 always
I also did a very light foliar with 0,5ml biobizz calmag(all I have about calcium) and activera 0,5ml + a pitash bio soap as a surfactant(Just some drops) in 500 ml Distilled water at 5,8 ph

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The foliar could be a good idea. From what I understand, Ca is only taken up by a plantā€™s meristems, either the growing leaf tips or root tips.

I donā€™t like foliars indoorsā€¦ I hate mold, so I didnā€™t suggest it.

Iā€™ve never found reading runoff to be helpful, only more worrisome, lol!

Iā€™ve told you how I feel about additives like P/K, so I wonā€™t beat that dead horse :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know about raising the ec, but I guess youā€™ll find out!

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