Whats wrong with her 😕

Ok ok not much more to do but ask, wht is the issue here :broken_heart:
Looked droopy yesterday and today just looks so bad :yawning_face::-1:

Because I forgot,

COCO perlite

81 high temp lights on, 74 low temp lights off

50-55 Rh

Very low feed I think lol 700ppm

Ph 5.8-6.0


A little bit more information might help… like details on exactly what you’ve been feeding her, are you growing in hydro/soil, have you checked your pH, checked nutrient levels in general, etc.

If I had to go based only on the pictures, though, my guess would be iron excess leading to phosphorus deficiency. That said, I have no idea how you would’ve ended up with an iron excess or if that’s even realistic in your growing conditions, so it’s nothing more than a guess really… chlorine excess/deficiency might also fit the symptoms. Still nothing more than a guess though.

Here, this might help:


Droopy leaves points towards overwatering, leaf tip clawing probably is N toxicity, overfeeding yknow


Ease off on your nutes bromigo


Whats your temps and RH like. Got some serious tacoing and clawing there.

If you humidity is low and temps high, she could be sucking up too much nutrients with the water trying to keep cool and transpiring.


That pot looks small for a plant that big. It’ll be sucking the water out of the medium very quickly especially if like @Shadey suspects your temperature is high and humidity is low. 2 options. Option one = water more frequently or option two = up pot the plant so you have more media to hold the water longer


Gonna need a bit more info before we can really make any assessment… Like what are you feeding and how much? Did you just up your nutes? What’s the frequency of watering? What’s your runoff ppm look like? Also what’s it’s pH?

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Looks like temps. Plants like warm.


I see the new growth is ok so if just the lower affected could be root bound, up potting as suggested may come handy … beer3|nullxnull


Looks like N toxicity to me… might be a few things but that’s what stands out


That’s a pic from the N toxicity page on GrowWeedEasy


:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: This.
Got my ratios wrong a while back and I was pumping them with too much Nitrogen.
I do soil, so it was much more forgiving and not a severe as you are seeing.
Flush and feed with light light dose of nutes…But I don’t know jack about growing in coco.

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Thanks everyone!!! Think im just cull her and start the beans indoor sent me, she doesn’t look any better today :upside_down_face:

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A week or two ago, before being suspended for trolling yet again, an incredible supergenius posted this chart:

If this is all accurate, any ideas on what might be causing the boron deficiency? Or are you basically telling him to make sure that his environment is perfect, that the plant is watered sufficiently, that the pH is on-target, that he’s using UV supplements, and to be certain that he doesn’t have an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or calcium? :stuck_out_tongue: Because if so, you’re basically saying the same thing as everyone else in the most angry, combative way possible… not helping the online weed community very much, I regret to say.


I had one do this after I did a transplant and it was because I used too much down to earth kelp meal in my mix.Too much nutes at once.Let her dry out a bit and do a good flush with some ph 6.0 water.Some of the leaves will be fucked up but don’t freak out the new growth with make up for it.I started using Dr earth dry amendments at half strength in soil and for top dress.It don’t burn up your plants at all.

Shadey said it right. Your humidity is too low for that heat with a plant that small. Be fine in late bloom though. Mist/spray/humidifier etc but raise that humidity and they will thrive.

If you want the science, read up on VPD. Vapor Pressure Deficit. You need to be up around 70% RH at that temp in early veg


Boron Deficiency is the new Calmag flavor of the month.


From my experience growing in 70/30 coco perilite, when I had leaves that looked like that it was my K to N ratio being off. To much K causing that thin, twisted growth. I usually shoot for a 1:1.5 N to K ratio in veg.


I start with the basics, his humidity is too low in veg. The plants will consume too much fluid and will also overfeed while doing so


Truth be known… He works for Borax! LOL… I mean, sometimes I could see it being boron but not here. Reused soil without amending or working it, possibly. But boron deficiencies in fresher soil mixes? Its a trace element! And that doesn’t look like an excess or deficiency of boron in these pics. I agree with N toxicity. Rootbound and overwatering can also claw, but it looks a bit different


My grow during the day temps are 70 to 73 during veg and my humidity stays between 40 to 43 percent humidity during normal time 53 to 56 after a watering.Is this excepable?