Leaves curled down??

Leaves curled down on 4/5 plants. All from seed, all the same age. One plant the leaves point up like a healthy plant. The other 4 look like this:

I looked at the other threads about “curled down” but those all look different. I think this guy looks pretty healthy otherwise. Maybe this is just the genetics?

They are in soil that is half Ocean Forest and half plain potting mix, no nutes. PH at 6 and nothing else but CalMag. I have been letting the soil get very dry, maybe too dry for the amount of peat in the mix?


I’d say likely underwatering. But could also just be a slightly hot batch of soil. Only way to know that’d be a lechate test. Slowly soaking the soil with RO, distilled or fresh rainwater til it’s all wet and then add a bit more to get a small amount of run off water to test the pH on. If the pH is off you could be seeing some lock out too. But I’d say under/over watering is almost always the first culprit


That’s right. The soil is too dry. Pretty sure i see mites in my pic now, too. Damn it.


Bam nail on the head. They want water


Yes lower right leaf and one above it looks to be mite damage. I’d pull that bottom one n toss it. Spray her down with something to kill em before they get a grab. Once they set up shop it’s over. Saturate her and low light til she drys. Wait a day or so Do it again. Tattoo green soap kills them bastards and plants like it. It’s ethyl alcohol in natural lavender oil soap base.


Btw, you’re a Ween fan I take it which is awesome. I only know a small handful of people that actually enjoy them. Most people make disgusted faces when I try to introduce them to the beautiful stylings of Dean and Gene :joy:


How is your humidity? :thinking:

Mine can look like this as i struggle with battling dry heaters in the winter but mine are well watered daily.


Ween rules!


This is me. That fucking party song literally make me want to jam an ice pick in my ears. But of course, it takes all kinds, and I know there are plenty of Ween fans out there. Glad you found a kindred spirit!


What time was the pic taken at? At lights on, middle, lights out?
Do you know your par/ppfd? RH?


Pic taken 2 hours after lights came on. RH is low. 34% @ 72* this morning. It’s tough to keep it up. Taking the ladies out today to spray them down. I’ll fog the room while they are out.


To me , she looks tired. With the low RH she may be working a bit too hard.
How much light are they getting with that low RH?
If you can dim id maybe consider that and a humidifier.
Like the others proper watering is key as well.
Sounds like you have a plan for the mites :+1:
That’ll help too.


I’m always battling low RH being in Colorado and I use an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier for my room and it does great for me and I also agree with the plant being underwatered and if it wss overwatering the leaves would be cupping down around the whole edges of the leaves so they’re definitely losing the moisture faster than it’s being replaced in my opinion

this is something that helps me and I printed it and keep it in my grow room for reference

…these are a few more that were shared with me when I was struggling with the same type of issues


Great references Doc!


I’m trying to give back as much as possible for others who are not sure on things and I really like to offer advice because I believe that its a circle of life type of thing…and that I am not doing my part by just being about myself so here’s the other chart I have as well @boogn1sh

hope that you are able to get them babies back on track


Why fuck up good soil with CalMag?

Also “plain potting mix” contains all kinds of synthetic nutes and garbage.
Unless it’s explicitely certified organic.
If there is an ingredient listed that you don’t understand or can visualize it’s probably not organic.

In the USA it seems like the word organic is completely meaningless as it’s not regulated like in Europe.

LITFA and start topdressing with bananapeels, kitchenscraps, grass, tree leaves, thistle, nettle, dandelion… start turning them into no-till pots and by next grow it might go better.


CalMag is a fix-all for anything/everything. Don’t you know this? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You’re literally better off pissing in a bottle.

1:1 nitrogen to carbon ratio, breaks down real fast.

Some dude somewhere won a pumpkin growing contest.
Said he emptied the bedpan on the soil around the plant every day.

And all the Afghan hash farmers throw on their fields is cow dung, and maybe mud from the nearest river.

Witches use menstrual blood.

Do whatever the fuck you want.
Don’t hold back for nobody.

Also nitrogen fixing cover crops are your friends.


Awesome.Bat guano Is good too?

Sure, in the previous place I lived at I had bats in the garden shed and mixed some of their droppings in with my soil.

For topdressing you could mix it with some compost.
Then add another layer of chopped grass for example.