Can anyone tell me what to do with the budding tops on these reveg clones

So I had some non-viable branches that I trimmed after the first few weeks of flower. I decided to try to root them mostly for shits and giggles. To my surprise it looks like one or two of them are actually rooting.

Is there anything I’m supposed to do with the vestigial buds to help the plant reveg? Cut 'em off? If so, when is it appropriate to do so? If not, what happens to the buds? And is there anything else that will help me get the plant growing again when I plant it back into soil in a couple of days? TIA.


Wait till the roots have solidly taken and new growth is coming in and then just snip em off


Thanks for the answer! But, this leads to my follow up question: how will new growth come in, with that bud sitting at the end of the tip? How can the plant produce a growing tip with that bud there? Sorry if I’m being stupid.

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It’ll die off as it does it’s reveg.


Basically when you cut that tip bud off it’s the same as topping and the plant will just push 2 new shoots

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Not stupid questions at all btw


Yeah, the only stupid questions are the ones that are never asked.


Oh man I have so many of those too lol

Thanks everyone for your help and answers.

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I just leave the lil nuggets there if they are tiny preemy ones, but you can surely remove them as well as the others say, works both ways. I’m curious if there would be any difference now in time etc. :thinking:

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Reveg process 1 month lapse time
New shoots will come out of the buds calyx… myself I let them be until they have some healthy branches and clean them up/pluck the buds leftovers.


Very nice show and tell @Mithridate , and good question OP! Watching plants reveg is exciting, they always do something weird.


Well technically the top of the bud IS a growth tip, so new leaves should just start popping out. I’ve never done it so I’m purely speculating on this wonderful Saturday nights of speculation.


Those r the ladies in the back all grown up. Along with two clones .it’s a long process


Bingo that’s exactly the information I was hoping to understand. This place is awesome. Thank you!


Don’t cut your bud off completely as the new shoots will come from this ‘bud’. :+1:.

I have this one Revegging and making some seeds whilst do so.
I added some blue Kush pollen to the clone when it was still tossing pistils and there’s a few seeds maturing, too.

Happy growing,