You knew there was more than terpenes right? Flavorants and their contribution to the chemotypes

Esthers, alcohols… there are others compounds that have been discovered to contribute to the cannabis flavor.

There’s a recent study from Twinkle R. Paryani (and al.) that focused on this others compounds. After some test they found they might be more decisive in the distinction in flavor between chemotypes than terpenes.

Minor, Nonterpenoid Volatile Compounds Drive the Aroma Differences of Exotic Cannabis

Coupling sensory studies to our chemical analysis, we derive correlations between groups of compounds, or in some cases, individual compounds, that produce many of these diverse scents. In particular, we identified a new class of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) containing the 3-mercaptohexyl functional group responsible for the distinct citrus aromas in certain varieties and skatole (3-methylindole) as the key source of the chemical aroma in others. Our results provide not only a rich understanding of the chemistry of Cannabis sativa L. but also highlight how the importance of terpenes in the context of the aroma of Cannabis sativa L. has been overemphasized.

And they pushed the analysis further recently:

Nonterpenoid Chemical Diversity of Cannabis Phenotypes Predicts Differentiated Aroma Characteristics

I won’t spoil by quoting too much :smiley: They found interesting things

On another side, Dr Allison Justice that many of you probably know is working on a funny machine. Soon piloted by an AI? :laughing:


The Buddha might ask: “What good is knowing?”.

When terps were brought to the forefront of the conversation, it was only to create a new product market. This led to terp-enhanced product that, from my experience, has been a gross mistake: Now we have terp-enhanced buds flooding the market as, producers douse their buds with artificial terps in hopes of cornering the consumer market with “innovative new products”… with “modern bioinformatics techniques compiling a comprehensive list of >6000 chemical constituents in commercial cannabis”, the future of commercially available cannabis seems bleak-- It makes me wonder; what number of chemical additions will growers fortify their naturally grown plants with in order to maximize their commercial profits as they try to chase an emerging fad


Yeah, that’s what lead to the recent california bud “scandal”. Though to me the problem lies more in the fact that it’s a market than in the expanding research on/knowledge of the plant.


Really like the Buddha perspective question “What good is knowing?” Thanks for sharing that @herojuana.tom.

Great topic @funkyfunk! Thanks for creating the post to discuss more. The topic of volatile organic compounds as they relate to cannabis along with cannabinoid composition seems to be the decision factors in creating distinguishable types of cannabis. Something fascinating I read about was the idea that endophytic fungi when joined in a symbiotic relationship with a cannabis plant can mimic the host plants secondary metabolite production. Looking forward to checking out your suggested reading materials. Thanks for the title link. Many blessings and much love


It’s bullshit. Abstrax is a bunch of frauds like everyone else in the west coast weedbro market. They have not recreated the flavors of weed. Put your dicks away everyone.

Abstrax says: Gassy and skunky are the same thing. Blames it on indole. How convenient. All I see is off flavors being explained away with dumb generic lingo that means jack shit to anyone with a brain. These guys can’t fake Sour Babyshit Kush so they tell you you’d favorite strain should actually smell like some cheap nasty sewer water they sell, or some nasty sprayed weed their buddies grow. That’s the legal weed market. Legal growers can’t grow clean weed with the natural flavor so they send out minions to spread words like “doughy” and “creamy”, which mean jack shit to anyone. No one knows what gassy means. Never did. Ask anyone who uses the word “Gassy”. Most are talking about overfed ruined boof (shoestore) so I’m not sure how the fuck Abstrax comes up with indole. They can’t smell and didn’t survey anyone who can either. People use the term every day just talking out their ass. Thanks to people like Abstrax who make it cool to talk out your ass. Most people straight up lie about terps. It used to be like “my nose is fucked from all the drugs but my gf says your weed just smells like A1 sauce mixed with balls” now people just make shit up “earthy” “reminds me of gluelatro”.

It’s not tolerable when pot smokers play make believe, let alone when producers do it.


I can’t smoke carts because of the added terps. They make my nose tingle and run. Really not pleasant which is a shame because I wouldn’t mind a puff on the go once in awhile.


I’ve long thought that the ‘Chem’ type aromas Cabbage/sweat/burnt rubber are likely to be sulphur compounds. Brussels sprouts have the exact same smell as part of what i see as 'chem ’ funk and the compound is call Sinigrin. Brussels sprouts give off sulphur dioxide when cooked.
Sinigrin - Wikipedia.


Yeah, that’s very possible. Along with some alcohol VOC maybe.

That’s a bit like the theory running around of sulfur VOCs being the main reason behind the pungent particular smell of the unfamous mythical RKS :slight_smile:


Excellent studies, lots to think about. Still digesting.

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