Can Cannabis Mimic Terps of Plants Nearby

Yea not really, but ok I’ll do what I’m gonna do and u do you

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That being said, let your plants roots fuck and fuck the mycelium, fungus is a good thing, anyways that’s off topic. But yea also maybe infecting some plants near your crop, preferably a raised bed outdoor, will cause them to rapidly growing trichomes

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Mushrooms bruh, mycelium, gotta find the right kind to grow. Might take me awhile but I’ll be back

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Systemic pesticides are uptaken by plants and are often larger than most aromatic terpenes.

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Well I’ll say the peppery smell from my basil definitely carried into my buds in basically every plant I’ve grown with basil so far. I can’t really speak for any reason why if there’s any connection, but if there is that’s cool!

I use it for pest control and a collection of leaves and stems when I want them to eat. If it can also coax out more caryophyllene terpenes that’ll be really fun to experiment with. They’ll be in separate pots, but I’ll have mint, Basil, garlic, cilantro, chives, catnip, rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, and sage on my next grow for pest control reasons. All of those are in the garden out back and all free to clone from. Outside of the ones I have to plant from seed. Some may add an extra expression or they’ll just keep any pests away and give me spices to dry and fill my cabinet with. It’s so much less expensive to grow the herbs I use in cooking.