Can this reveg?

So I cut these off two stems off months ago. I stuck both in the same cup of dirt, covered with a clear cup an forgot about it. I just found them and it’s actually growing a nice little bud on the one, full of trichomes

Can I stick the cup in with my autos an reveg them? I’ve also got to figure out how to get them separated safely


Sure. Reveg is not 100% guaranteed, but it’s worth a try!
I take very small cuts mid flower to reveg and get pretty good success rate :ok_hand:


If they have been there a month and one has since begun flowering, I would say they are most likely rooted by now and - as long as one is not an auto - they should regenerate. I personally feel that keeping them in really low light helps them regenerate faster without croaking in the process. Here are a few buds regenerating, they can easily be yanked apart after they start putting out real leaves.


Looks like the one is already veggin! The budding one could re-veg, and if it does, get ready for some really wonky and funky growth for the first few weeks. Twisted leaves, possibly lots of new branches. Reveg growth looks wierd for sure some times!


Of course they can be revegged, if they are photo period plants.

The plant expels an incredible amount of energy during the reveg process and will require regular feedings. Once they start to reveg you will notice the plant putting out a lot of single leaves, this is normal behavior and the leaves will keep changing with growth.

Eventually you’ll have a plant with the same structure as you had before. It’s just going to take a little longer to get there due the setback of revenging.

The light intensity used to grow your autos may be a little too much at first for revegging plants, but the plants will be ok. Less intensive lighting would be optimal.


I’d try. I have hope.


They are photos but I don’t have any clue from what plants. I guess the secret for me to get a successful clone to take was set it up an forget about it lol I’m impressed they even rooted, beyond my sister watering it occasionally they got nothing

I’m guessing they started flowering because it was sat in a window. I’m pretty sure when I cut the limbs my plants were still in veg

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When I feed them I should go back to my veg fertilizer? In a weak solution?


Wow very interested what happens so your trying to reveg a auto?

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They are from photo plants. I just have a separate auto tent going that I put the cup in lol. The auto tent is running on the ideal schedule at 18/6, figured it’d be the best spot. Sorry if that part was confusing


Ahhh ya just give them even npk and you should be fine pot them up maybe 2 gal ive had 100 percent success just baby them

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And maybe 24 hour light just my beliefs but wish you the best of luck cheers

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Give em a little N as a treat, to promote vegetative growth


Cannabis plants clone readily and easily. If the cuttings are placed in moist medium and the humidity is at least 90+% and they receive a little light, they will begin to root in a week or two.

From the pics you provided, it appears that one plant is taller than the other and the shorter plant also looks like it is below the rim of the solo cup. Whereas, the taller one is receiving more light and has only begun to flower, so it’s not quite as far along as it’s sibling. The light they are receiving is either too weak for proper vegetative growth or they aren’t receiving strong enough light for long enough.
Most cannabis plants will start flowering when they receive less than 14 hours of light.

As far as dividing the plants goes, it’ll have an effect on the plants because it involves separating the roots to make two individual plants. I’m afraid that no matter what you do, the plants will have to deal with an unknown amount of stress, due to root breakage.

Cutting or ripping them apart probably won’t be a good idea and will cause a good amount of stress to both plants.

Personally, I’ve been learning to grow many different kinds of plants for over the last five decades and cannabis for just over four decades and can tell you that controlled “barerooting” may be the only way to separate those plants roots without causing a great deal of stress to either plants. Stress can cause additional problems in plants, including death. We want to avoid that at all costs!

I’ve bare rooted many cannabis plants in my time, but it’s not something I recommend to fellow growers. I know it works when it’s done correctly, but there is significant risk if it’s done wrong.

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Let’s say I let them grow as one in a big enough pot? Would that cause me too many root issues?


Holy cow those micro half flower revegging rooting clones are a thing of beauty.


Thank you sir.

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Cannabis plants are very adaptable. If that’s what you have to work with, then it’ll do.

You will likely receive a slightly smaller than normal yield, mostly due to both plants competing for root space. But you will harvest and that’s what’s important.

They will probably need to be watered/fed a little more frequently, but they will let you know, if this is the case.

Sounds like you’re all set. You don’t need plant luck when you have green thumbs. You’ll do great!

… if you need any assistance, we are here for you.:blush: