Can we talk spider mites?

If this was already asked, sry.

How would you go about disinfecting a bedroom? They are renting carpet cleaners again…I would hope that would kill anything in the carpet.?.
The painted walls, what could I use to clean them without striping the paint? Thx!

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Yes, there is - Phytoseiulus persimilis - and yes you are.

Pyrethrum TR Total Release Bug Bomb when my room is empty

all the best


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Wasn’t sure if you where replying to me or not? Bomb for bedroom basically.?.

What I did in my infected tent was spraying first everything with a mix of soap bleach diluted in water and then cleaned everything with a steam machine, mites and eggs were boiled and never see them again, fingers crossed … :sweat_smile:


Bleach wash everything once the rooms empty ,and if possible to do a sulphur burn of high ppm is what cleaned my grow space of mildew and bugs . Not recommended for in a house but if it’s a garage or separate room where your not living in I found using a airless paint sprayer to apply the bleach mixture followed by a quick wipe gets into the tiniest cracks where bugs/ mold could hide vs wiping with just a wet rag .
Not for everyone’s situation but works well for me I guess a bug bomb does similar results but that also raises the question is it something you want to do in the house?
Good luck with eradicating your space it can be stressful took 2 grows to rid the mites from my life,biggest issue is just say no to friends wanting to bring you plants or clones that’s where my issues started .


When in doubt Wash it out


no bombing a bedroom might not be a good idea :slight_smile:

I have an 8 foot by 16 foot grow room that when it is empty

I will strip years of Mylar off the walls, do any repairs, do alterations

scrub clean then bomb the room

and go back to work inside in the fall

all the best



Did the pepper spray work the wife has a couple of the post office issued ones

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide all soft bodied pest like aphids or mites .
1- 3ml per gallon. Google is a wonderful thing happy growing

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Oaky thanks! I’ll hit the walls with Clorox Wipes and the rest with hydrogen peroxide, hopefully that will be ok for the walls. Yeah it’s a bedroom, so can’t go super Agro on it, lol.

Would Companion Plants like Basel, Alliums, etc worth messing with? Maybe I should start a thread…

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Pesticides are faster, cheaper, and more effective.

Gee @JoeCrowe thats great and all but what if people want to keep their plants instead of throwing them all out and restarting with clone nubs? If your room is so clean where’d you get the mite infested plant?

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see, vernal the task is to break the cycle. Spider mites host is the plant - so once you clean the plant, they are fucked. I just sweep and mop with a swiffer, you don’t need to go hardcore. Ahhh good question about the mites! In fact here’s how it went. I was determined to figure out how I can get a plant from any random person and bring it into my grow without infesting things. I wanted to figure out how I can dose a spider mite infestation using just my brain and things I had here at the house. So that required spider mites, but not just any mite, the strongest and most engineered. So I got a batch of mites from a Health Canada licensed producer. One that had been exposed, because protocol 1 was never bring anything in from outside. So enter the mite infested shit, I was confident I could kill them all - I had a million different tests to perform - including poisons so toxic they killed the plant. After about a year, I determined how anyone could eliminate even the strongest infection using just a sink and some water. So now, I have all the protocols to keep pests out, and also clean anything coming in at the low cost of 0$. I can also promise people the following things: I never spray my plants - I never have bugs on there. OK teleport to the real world - they are all just like you vernal. They don’t believe it/will never try it/like to spray poison. Unless you have changed your stance? All I’m looking for is a single human on this earth that is willing to learn how to get rid of all pests and stay pest free. The secret with your plants is to recognize there is a problem early and deal with it. Never let things advance to bloom phase covered in parasites…I mean keep checking your plants for signs of bugs if there is any doubt - take 'em out! In my darkest hour - protocol zero set me back 2 weeks. Which wasn’t a high price to pay to make sure there is never a bug. I can launch into a more detailed explanation of any aspect of what I did, just ask questions!

I will respond with a quote “It’s not the cure, it’s the final solution.” I’ve seen lots of people in their darkest hour. That’s when they need this write-up I made. If those things I wrote about defeating your nemesis by committing suicide(which is actually only break-even, instead of +1 outcome) strike a chord - come back and read this. You will defeat the most difficult infestation in a single afternoon.

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I can defeat an infestation in less than 5 minutes with just a few mL of floramite, avid, or judo.

And, I keep all my plants.

I treat any incoming clone with pesticides to avoid the problem. Which is why I don’t have mites.

Nature abhors a vacuum; they always find a way in eventually.

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yah vernal bro, that’s exactly what they claim. You’re like a carbon copy of this dude I know he’s like you can’t keep them out forever they are gonna creep in!!! It… makes me shake my head. But yah he loves his poison too. Keeps all kinds and constantly floats in cancer - I’m not going to mention the name of any of the chemicals involved - to make sure no mite infestation enters. OK but here’s the thing. Magic isn’t real. A mystery spider mite isn’t going to magically appear in my clean room. I challenge you to show how a sealed jar will sprout a mite inside :wink: Just kidding I know you never made that claim. But that is MY claim. My clean room with the proper bio-hazard protocols will remain pest free in perpetuity. uh I mean forever, as long as “I” as the human operator never violate the protocols.
I can even help people construct a primitive clean room which is all that’s needed. I have constructed three so far, for my friends. Fucking dipshits can’t seem to handle protocol zero though. uhh sorry calling them dipshits is rhetorical. They simply can’t handle doing the thing instead they just trot infected material right into their grow. While I lay there and beat my head against the pavement like a fish out of water. They practically roll around on the lawn and run right into their grow, dry humping the plants like some mad dog. While I scream it’s really not that complicated!!!
With the right protocols you can: remain pest free forever, break your current infestation and remain pest free forever, never use any spray on your plants. Those are my solid claims.


That’s not how you use “rhetorical” are you trying to say redundant?

I don’t bring anything in my grow room without treating it first.

You aren’t gonna mention the name of the pesticides because this person probably doesn’t exist.

“Floats in cancer” lol

naw it’s definitely rhetorical. Just like your claim this person doesn’t exist. Or that I got some lame image of a microscope from the internet. Those are what’s listed as rhetorical and have no meaning. It’s a 2000 year old method to win an argument that the greeks used. Nowadays, statements like that are widely recognized to have no meaning, because they seek to terminate conversation instead of advance it. Vernal you are so close to embracing protocol zero all you have to do is put down the pesticides and use it instead - no more buying stuff.

Hahaha and he doubles down folks.

I really, really am not “close to embracing protocol zero” aka “Joe Crow’s throw out all your plants except for a couple nubs” tek.

I use what the greenhouse guys use.

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ok explain to me how your method of taking the clone and dunking it in pesticide before entering the grow room is superior to using a propagation technique that eliminates all pests using no pesticides?
from my universe gaming theory:
+1 killed mites -1 bought poison
+1 killed mites +1 used no spray or even +1 killed mites you don’t need to add buying stuff.
See from my standpoint you might as well be +1 killed mites -1 killed yourself, just like Sherlock Holmes. Nobody wants to go down like that! When you are at sum 0 things have to change. So it is incredibly hard to understand protocol 0? or you don’t like that when you take a clone it’s got to be stripped? I’m actually having a hard time zeroing in on the problem you have with adopting protocol zero on your incoming plant material, because it will save you money, resulting in net gains. Explain.