Can we talk spider mites?

Lol, no I wasn’t going to use it on the carpet. I’m hoping the carpet cleaners chem will kill and suck whatever up.
The HP was more for around and in the Grow tent.

Unless anyone knows of something else I’ve overlooked.?. Really want to grow some decent genetics I bought. But can’t chance it yet.


I’ve used Sanidate for cleaning. Seems to work well, and not terrible as far as ingredients peroxide and peroxyacetic acid.


I bet the new Everclear (190 proof) hand sanitizer the Liquor companies are making to fight Covid-Chinese disease would work to clear the room.


You’ve ruined bush bud for me forever. I cant get that thought out of my head :astonished:

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Remember What does not kill you only makes you stronger.
Maybe make that Mites too LOL


lol good stuff! If anyone cares to read this thread…just examine what I did to vernal. I used mirror tactic to show him how what he does makes someone else feel. Personally - I don’t actually care what anyone does - I’m not the boss of you. Please, though… learn the rules of civilized debate.

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Lol what? Sounds like a post on r/iamverysmart.

Rhetorically speaking, that is, haha.

I assure you, I care about everything but your feelings.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Stuff always gets in, eventually. If they didn’t no one would ever have a problem. People get bugs who don’t bring in outside clones ya doofus.

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In my head, I know it’s fine, you’re sterilizing everything with fire, bug bits can’t really hurt you, but it does gross me out haha. I assume most outdoor growers at least dunk the buds in buckets of water to wash the debris off.

Ever see that X-Files episode where the tobacco beetles infest people’s lungs from cigarettes? Oooh boy that gave me nightmares as a kid.

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Looks like pesticides not only kill them but also remove their dead corps and poo, astonishing! omg_smile|nullxnull That’s why I just cull them, don’t want pesticides, dead corps or poo in my buds no|nullxnull . I’ve got seeds, time and knowledge to grow them, just a question of always having your jars filled … :sunglasses:

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I’d never let a problem get bad enough to let there be insect carcasses and excretions on the bud.

If you wanna throw out plants, be my guest. I never have to.

see vernal, in your world, you can’t imagine someone working in a clean room…doing science experiments, very conscious of contamination. Knowing how to keep the contamination out. Then coming in here and offering you some knowledge that doesn’t fit your confirmation bias. You don’t believe that clean rooms exist? Or that scientists exist? Or that a scientist knows how to make a clean room and use protocols to keep contamination out? Which part are you having a problem with?

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And what if, like my case, there is already a severe infestation, would you recommend the use of pesticides? No dead corps and poo remnant with them? hum|nullxnull


Must be nice to have a clean room

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Depends. I’d wash the buds to remove debris and make hash. But, I’d also never let a problem reach “severe infestation” either. IDK, your call, it’s your problem, not mine.

Lol @JoeCrowe:

I love willem! The problem is, you never answered my question, instead posted a meme about willem. I had already told you that if you want you can imagine I’m not a scientist, I’m just a dog who learned to talk… but you still have to tell this talking dog how this spider mite infestation is going to start in a clean room. Or answer a single question I posed before.

Oh wow tell me more about this crazy idea not to bring infested clones into your grow room that no one has ever thought of before and definitely didn’t name it protocol zero and act like you’re the messenger for this common knowledge notion.

We try to keep things clean, but bugs find a way in. And when you get them, there is a way out that doesn’t involve tossing out your plants to try and re-root nubs. You ain’t running a virus lab, bud, all it takes is a single mite or a couple eggs. Other pests are literally in the air itself, like mildew spores. I guarantee your space is less sterile than you think. I had a spider the other day. He just got in. I didn’t bring him on my clothes, I didn’t bring anything outside in the garden. But he still got in.

EDIT: oh yeah, whiteflies. Anyone can get them, and they can actually carry mites as well. Point is, there are more vectors than just dirty clones, bud.

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Ah ha I know a secret now, woof woof

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ahh I see you are using straw man argument. ok well I didn’t call not bringing infestations in from outside protocol zero, pay attention, that was protocol 1 for my grow. Protocol zero took it’s place by allowing me to introduce the most infested plants into my room disease-free. Also, I claimed it was based on the already known micro propagation technique. You are right, I’m not running a virus lab. Instead I am running one free of parasites like spider mites. I actually never claimed you needed a high tech lab I said I can show you how to build a primitive clean room. Once you study the mites, you will find they are actually pathetic creatures. Without the host, they can’t make it.

We try to keep things clean, but bugs find a way in.
so you are admitting that you get infestations all the time?
There are more vectors that dirty clones, bud.
I already explained the other vector is the human. Make sure you are clean.
So any other vectors you can think of besides your fantasy spider mite white flies?

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Hey look broad mites on a whitefly:

How long are you gonna jerk yourself off for your “protocols”?

I rarely get bugs. When I do, I’m ready.

ok so this fly, as pictured, flew into your grow room and caused an infestation?