Can we talk spider mites?

It’s a potential vector, obviously, since you previously claimed mites and whiteflies were a “fantasy”.

And here it is staring you in the face, but you still gotta backtrack it somehow, just like “rhetorical” lol.

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yo, my dad owes me a coke. Despite all the odds, people who had seen systems like I’m suggesting were like “ohhh yah” and started action. I’m very pleased at the outcome. peace y’awl

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All I know is I dont want those nasty lil bastards but if I do get them I’ll spray the hell out of my room with everything they sell


I’ve had spidermites a few times over the years. I tried a lot of concoctions and finally tried Avid. It killed them with one application. I’ve never had them on flowering plants so never had to deal with that. I catch them early in the veg room and end our relationship there. I bought the bottle of Avid way back around 2000 or 2001 and for all the more you have to use… a couple of drops in the spray bottle of water, the bottle of Avid is almost as full as it was new.


I think I just found that all 4 of my blooming beauties have mites… Which fucking sucks.
I’m at week 2.5 I guess.

Haven’t defoliated yet but kind of have to, so I think I’ll order neem oil & go to town when it arrives… Defoliate first and then spray it down with the oil.
Bueno plan no?


What I was told by someone that has grown for years, is that spider mites will build resistance quickly. You need to rotate products and spray every few days until you can get rid of them. Some debate the effectiveness of neem also. Personally, I use it, but also rotate in some spinosad and azamax. I also use diatomaceous earth to dust my plants. They can build resistance to that.


that is so true and you have to spray until they are gone

or they will be back with vengeance

been there done that

peace and be safe



Everyone I’ve ever received like this has been fine


Yes, it happened on my tomatoes while I was concentrating on my other plants. He even emphasized, spray every leaf, both sides, dripping wet. Spray all the vegetation around the plants as well. You may know the guy from here even, Johnnypotseed had a fight with them recently (I know you know him :wink:).

Plantwhepherd swears by predatory mites. He has even used them on large commercial grows. There are options to battle these little bastards. Just be persistent.

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I failed to do just that and they ran me out of my grow room :frowning:

and almost killed my plants :slight_smile: thank god it is a weed

and that I do

peace and stay free


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He told me he knew you from back in the day. After that I made the post that I had been warned about you. Next time I saw him, he said, “why did you do that?” I said, i was just giving him a hard time. “oh” :rofl:

I had an outdoor infestation of the little fuckers earlier this year. i tried multiple ways to stop it but what did it was a bottle of predatory bugs. So far.


I think my wife to be won’t take kindly to me bringing in more bugs…



My outdoor officially has mites…finally, I can show off what I’ve been preaching about for almost a year…
Pics of the infestation…minimal, at best, but present, none the less.


You guys are gonna be blown away…no fucking around…I douse this shit everywhere…if it sits around till it rains, great



What do I dust?..every’effin’thing’!!..and leave it…indoors or out…I

I’ll be back in 14 days with nothing on these leaves.


What are you dusting them with @Tappy? I have a friend who just messaged me that he just found spidermites in his garden.


Diatomaceous earth…food grade, pet friendly, organic, vegan


I’m not gonna have a pest with 2 or 3 feet of which way the wind was blowing that day.