Canada's 4 Plants Cup

Hey everyone (Americans included :slight_smile: ) I just found out about this from another site I frequent. Shitty it is Canucks only…Not my idea…

Any of you Canadians breeding your own genetics right now, have the invite to prove your worth…

Just giving you all the Heads up…

Good luck to anyone trying out…

(Maybe they are trying to find growers for the Gov…Haha)



It actually looks kind of sketchy…

They expect to see your “detailed” journal (is that normal?), and your grow show details?



I was thinking it sounded pretty cool till i got to the part about send in 28 grams of my harvest lol


I think I’m going to have to start one of these competitions & be the only judge on the panel. :laughing:



Ya y’all can send me a pound sample to try to get into my competition.


seems weird. No prize determined at this time lol


The prize is you are relieved of a zip. Haha jk the 28 grams must be for the 28 joints that the 28 judges will smoke.


The whole “we need a DETAILED copy of your journal” Makes me wonder…


Don’t forget, unless you have a medical license, it is only actually ‘legal’ to grow government supplied tax stamped seeds.

I wouldn’t put it past LEO to use this as a way to get you to send in your genetics so they test it and slap you with a nice fat fine…

Paranoid? always…


I agree with you Man, after I really read through it, it started to sketch me out haha…They wanted pictures of the grow room, to make sure you were the one growing the product…It seems like they are gathering information.



Stranger Danger! + characters


So a contest with no prizes that wants a detailed description of your process and a sample for testing. Umm Sounds Legit… And with your help for just Dollars a day you too can support these LP produce better herbs with no compensation to you lol Nope

I have told countless people that I have no interest in working for LPs. They will demand I write everything I do down and at some point they can make it into a Standard Operating Procedure. At which point they fire me and replace me with some female POC with a University Degree. No thanks


damn that sounds shady … sounds like the local cannabis cup in my city, $2500 for a judge’s pass … karma cup is only $600 and includes way more entrants/samples


200g sample entry though to compete in Karma cup was a bit much IMO… $600 was worth it to judge but at 200g entry size it makes it tuff to enter


If anybody is interested in a real cup like this a friend of mine and myself have been thinking about this same idea. The Semi-Anual “ Legal Green Canada Cup “ 2 cups each year It can be any genetics not just your own, and not in the form of a live event but all documented online. We are working on the idea :bulb: and have many contacts with companies who can help to sponsor the event and throw in extras for the judges and competitors. We might limit each category to 20/30 competitors for sativa Indica Hybrid and most likely split those up into indoor/ outdoor. Entry size would be 14g x 0.5g sample size Judges selected randomly except for 5 guest judges. This is not BS we are very serious about this and will be giving more info to the public via IG and here. Anybody interested please reply or send a messsge to me showing interest in judging or competing. Cheers :beers:


Some of last years girls from ACMPR medical grow
:strawberry: :banana: and fruity pebbles OG
Found the craziest strawberry banana pheno from bagseed ! Legit strawberry banana from a a well known source of high grade flower in BC I found 1 seed in a half ounce. I tried my best to find out how the plant was pollinated but was never able to get an answer if it was hermie or what but it was some of the nicest flower I’ve ever had with the craziest strawberry/banana/citrus/vanilla/gas terps. The plant smelled so amazing I knew I had fallen in love. I saved the seed and popped it and what came from that seed was the most incredible flower I’ve ever dreamed of smoking! Until I tried my buddies purple punch and now it’s a toss up between the 2. The terps were stronger with more teichomes than the purchased flower! And only a small tent grow with basic gear and 1000w Hps/mh. Remo and advanced nutes custom combo feed hand watering
I was t able to breed with it or give out any cuts like I planned so now I am on a serious mission to locate strawberry banana seeds I know they are back on the market for sale and I just hope to the cannabis gods I can somehow get those terps back