Canadian Dispensaries

Are there any that are worth the money? They are charging more than MOM’s and for the most part, seem to have garbage pot. When I left a review for one place, they informed me I should buy humidity packages to “remosturize the buds” Now, these buds have clearly been crashed and not flushed. No matter what I do, I can’t turn garbage into something good. Same place seems to think 19% is a high count of thc too.


Are you talking about LPs? There are no legal dispensaries in Canada yet.

A lot of LPs irradiate their weed. A lot of LPs dont cure or properly dry their cannabis because they are in such a rush and only care about making $.


No clue what an LP is. I was referring specifically to fire and flower in yorkton. How are there no legal dispensaries when we already had them for medicinal?


I’ve tried a number of dispensaries in Hamilton, Ontario and some from others around Ontario and it was junk weed and mid grade at best. I’ve found the same to be true with the delivery services and mail order (Cannazon) buds low quality and inconsistent.

The Legal Producers or LP’s have gross shit too that is irradiated, not flushed, god knows what sprayed on them, cheapest ferts used, not cured or dried well at all big agro tobacco style weed.

This is why a black market still exists in Canada and will for sometime.


There never was legal medical dispensaries as far as i know.

But back on topic, i used to use ganjaexpress and their flower was always TOP quality.
Hmm I miss purple space cookies actually, i might just place an order.


The best MOM for pot that I found was but even their products are hit and miss. We got 2 oz’s of greasy pink at different times and it was drastically different smoke. However, they give you the humidity packages and their stuff goes back into cure, takes about a month to do it. We tried ganja express but got bad buds. It doesn’t help that we rarely smoke joints and most pot’s only seem to taste good in a joint. I reckon if you want to know the real taste of your pot, it’s gotta go on the hot knives. Good pot tastes awesome that way. Side note - We usually order dabs from gold dreams. Been pretty happy with the overall products and service. We complained about a batch of shatter and got 2 free oz’s of bud so :smiley:


My cousin just had this problem from a MOM was a cookies cross first ounce she said was great so her next order grabbed a QP of it and it wasn’t the same bud taste, smell, high, all small nugs. I’ve heard it many time like i said consistency is a big problem across the board.

Make your own BHO way cheaper.


I prefer iso to butane, better yields. Unfortunately, haven’t had a Canadian harvest yet so no product to make the dabs out of in the first place :smiley: Only paid $300 for the last oz anyway :smiley:


ive been in a few same shit everywhere battleford warman stoon PA ! This province was sleeping when it should of been making deals with suppliers that is the problem !

Anyone worth buying from already filled the quota ie tweed bedrocan left coast mafia so the late comers are forced to buy what ever is left from smaller government approved growers . Also take Toronto for instance there demand being on the higher end , are some of the store fronts the large producers want ,who wants to deal with a shop selling 20 pounds a week when large city’s are doing that a day ?

My interest is in micro growers boutique strains etc those are the people to keep a eye on once they get licensed and running then we’ll see some quality not hurry hurry we’re running behind and if they’d dry it properly there wouldn’t of been 2 recalls since sept for mould !

Re medical dispensary yes there are 14 maybe more across Canada all are mail order ! Now all the big players have a rec license as well and they are the players above! with the exception of a couple on the west coast smaller storefront that are licence to supply clones and seed at outrageous prices to patients who have cancer and what not 700 dollars for 5 clones !

Sorry for the long post some of this shit has my heart rate up been there jumped through the hoops to discover the medical money grab ,now these same guys are controlling the rec market too! Shiska


Love the passion. This is the exact kind of thing Canada needs. People standing up and saying stop selling us crap. Sask has always been a dumping ground for crappy pot. It’s the reason there’s so many dabs out here. They were the only thing that was semi reliable. I remember black oil cut with Vaseline, shoe polish, other nasty shit. And that was still better than the pot eh!


Careful brother,that was the grip I use to use,had worked my way up to a half a pound,they sent it twice and on the third order ,they sent a quarter pound for the same price and they did nothing,treated me like I lied, brother I was not impressed,but now I’m here! And growing my own! For me this is the only way
Edit, I feel like I should add their bud was great,was grape crush,and when I first order they sent a feeble gram or two of mendo purps,and it was some of the best bud I’ve ever tried,also not being able to work and getting burnt,I could even afford basic meds for months after,left in a world of desperation until now, brother I’m so grateful to be where I am today,so grateful for this community,and this is the first time I posted a bitch/gripe about it


Home grown is so much better. Proper flush and dry is always where it’s at :smiley:


Good day all ,well I’m back looking for a decent place to find some bud ! Is there any mom spot worth trusting,I can’t handle the local swag,they musta got a pretty good price ,cause it’s been the same garbage all around ! I can’t bring myself to buy more than a gram or two, hoping it’s different !
Peace and love !
I really need to learn how to finish a crop properly,I suppose I just need to be patient,
Cheers hehe,hope you all can have a good/great day !


It’s a shame you didn’t live close to the Golden Lake First Nations Reserve, as there are 6-7 “dispensaries” that I am aware of so far, and every time I go out there for Smokes, it seems that more are coming, as fast as they can put up a trailer/garage/building…

I checked out a couple, and prices seem ok, but I only bought some MJ Cream & CBD oil at one… I doubt they do Mail Order, but who knows, as the laws are different with regards to First Nations… If you have a Reserve nearby, it might be worth it to check it out…


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Thank you so much for your suggestions,I looked,the only reservation within range has signs up from their council that public use will not be tolerated,or a “zero tolerance” at places allow tobacco, very upsetting,you can administer cancer (I am a tobacco lover,but still!!!)to yourself,but public use of personal medication to prevent or cure cancer isn’t Tolerated ! My fucking head is spinning ! How do I make sense of this ?! Very troubling ,well i found some thing a little better,but $10 a g straight up,am very grateful to have meds for a couple days atm
Peace and love!
Overgrow !

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take it for what you will but I’ve heard 2nd hand that TPACC has good products. not sure of prices etc. but tbh id expect most black market dispensaries shit to be full of PGRs

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Yea no thanks, lol over priced. Good but also good luck.

Really appreciate the heads up,I’ve been leaving messages,no response,my funds are dwindling at an exponential rate ! And I’m back out of meds,I would have to say this is an extreme failure on behalf of the country,and it’s the medical patients who suffer ,I don’t have $50s and $100 s to throw at absolute garbage from the dispensaries,(or whatever the fuck those shit holes are called? Legal outlet?) every day ! Sorry brother no upset with you,I’m just upset with the fuckery ! I’m sure our fearless leader(Prime Minister) has the Primo under his pillow !
Peace and love


Sorry all,I’m running on 15-20 mins of sleep ,and only when the exhaustion overpowers the pain I get to sleep and when I wake I absolutely jump up as if it’s an emergency,idk (?),very tired my bad !
Peace and love all

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Yea I’m pretty sure the weed our prime ministers mom has isn’t legally obtained

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