Canna Coco A B User's

Now at about w8 on a 10w strain you will see some individual or small clusters of calyx fattening and smell intensifies changes
This is the plant starting to ripen
Now the curve of growing new bud starts to tail off , you can

A . Keep feeding high pk and squeeze more bud from the cola but after some time the Extra bud to electric will not be worth it ( excess foxtailing ) plus you will have extended your grow time

B . Decide to go to finish stage.
to grow bud the plant needs p and k togeather in evenish good supply , sooooo if we drop a lot of the p but still keep good k in ratio the plant is forced to finish ( 1/2/5 type ) and the k will keep plant healthy to end with just p and n fade and not fried leafs from k def

Whatever you base ec was in flower use that ec for finish ( 1/2/6 ) tapering ec further lower as required till chop

You don’t want fade going into sugar leafs etc

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I got some 1 gal A & B jugs. and some 1 qt A & B bottles. I’ll be using this with my hydro setup. stuff was free to review. seems to be okay for my hyrdo lettuce garden so far. we’ve been enjoying the fresh sandwich sized leaves.

I just have trouble mixing them even. A feels light n clear. B feels really heavy. gotta use my measurements. guesswork doesn’t work on these.

Usually I’m growing in half heavily amended soil and half HP ProMix. so I gotta feed into the promix early in veg. the A & B works fine for that.

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