CANNA/HOPS Let’s grow it together

So wild, loving the experiment. Are you going to cut clones?


These are called Acer 1 from Hoku that are also supposedly bred with Japanese hops. It seems these actually grow more like cannabis though whereas the legitmo appears to grow like hops. So far these early leaves look pretty darn close to the leaves of my hop plants. I don’t know, these might just simply have a leaf mutation similar to ABC. It’s categorized as a Type II mixed ratio profile.

The description reads:

The genetic heritage comes from thailand australia japanese hops and ruderalis, the plant displays a unique leaf trait very similar to a maple leaf in flower, the true leaf trait will be displayed at the fifth internode, each leaf trait will be different, the flowering time can go between 11-16 weeks

@PineTarBastard Really anxious now to hear how your legitmo smokes. I’m not seeing the strainly listing anymore, did it mention flowering time?


I put two cuttings into the cloner a few days ago. It’s probably still too early to tell, but I’m guessing it’s a boy.


I think he takes it down from time to time. His listing came up for me this afternoon. Here is part of his description:

“This batch of seeds were created using open pollination outdoors 2021 using two males and one female. One male was very fast to flower, with large but loose flower clusters. The other male flowered later, but had tighter flower clusters and an elegant purple to their aperiance. The female first showed signs of flowering at the beginning of September and is still finishing up now (September 30th). She also had some attractive shades of purple/magenta on her flowers. These can be grown indoors successfully as well. “

If i am lucky enough to get a female, i will probably harvest her in segments, but otherwise let her die on the vine. I did that last year with my PTB and it worked out really well.

Those plants look pretty cool. Any plans on making F2’s? :grinning:


haha of course! this is OG right?


After 3 weeks the rest of my Legitimo seeds are starting to sprout. I put them in the shade and that helped


my Legitimo did not pop

any best practices for them ?

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I wish i had a suggestion. I was only able to get one to germinate. :cry:


This has been a dream of mine for some time now. I’m along for the ride!


I have a few more Legitimo seeds, if anyone wants to try them out / trade.


I put the Legitimo clone in my flower closet two weeks ago. It was probably two inches tall at the time.

And today:



ordered 20 seeds. hopefully i get some to germ :grin: :grin:


Here’s the Legitimo and a close up of a flower.

I dusted a couple of the lower flowers with some fresh BangiHaze pollen on July 16th. :crossed_fingers:


Best of luck with those Legitimo x BangiHaze F1s! I’m really enjoying watching everyone with these hops hybrids. Even though I’m a mutant guy it’s a different species of plant so I’m going to wait a couple years before getting in on those!

Keep up the good work fellas! This is uncharted territory here.


Does it look like the pollen took?

I just got seeds today, so I get to join the party :slight_smile:


:popcorn::eyes::popcorn:…can’t wait to see the ending to this movie.

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The pistils are dying where i rubbed them with pollen, but there’s no sign of seed formation.


That’s amazing it has pistils!! Is it in flower or is this veg?

This has been on my mind for the past couple days, the possibilities of a strain like this are endless :exploding_head:!!!

@PineTarBastard it’s possible that a female marijuana plant was pollinated by a male hops plant to get the viable seeds. If they don’t take, this could be the reason (like donkeys)…you should try fem pollen…

Or it could be a gmo strain. ie: “they” inserted hops vine genes into a mj plant. :sunglasses:

The Kaly seeds website says potency increases with each F gen…too bad you one had the one sprout.



Here’s a picture of the pistils i dusted 10 days ago. I have an Oaxaca and a couple of Mulanjes in there too. I will do a full pollination with the BangiHaze males when the sativas are further along, probably in mid August.

@Kabuddha - hopefully, someone will have some spare Legitimo pollen available in the near future. Luckily, i have a female BangiHaze ready to go anytime. :wink:


How things coming along? This thing growing golden eggs yet? :wink::grin:
