CANNA/HOPS Let’s grow it together

my seeds were hard to germinate and those that germed didn’t grow much. still have a couple in the freezer. i will give it another try next year. :smile:

So he doesn’t think its a hybrid, or he just doesn’t think the cannabinoids made it into the hybrid? Also super curious if anyone has made backcrosses to weed successfully. I just want viny weed with as few hops genes left as possible.

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dropped off 3 legitimo buddies at the pool today :wink:


Still plugging along here. I had a 3rd one come up, but I overwatered it, so its recovering. I took a clone from the biggest one recently. I think once the middle sized one gets a little bigger I’ll take some more clones and flip one from each to see sex. That’ll give the little one time to catch up some.

It seems like the first shoot wants to wrap around things and climb ancored. Then the 2ndary branches so far just want to shoot straight up, so I’ve been manually wrapping them around the cage.


You must live in the San Luis Valley. I’m over in the Trinidad area.

Has anyone found any reading on this? I know that hops are a rhizome and can be propagated with a piece of the root. That’s the way you buy them, just a chunk of the root in a baggie. I wonder how they dealt with that. That would be how they could be invasive. The roots of a hop plant grows laterally in the ground and will keep sprouting more every year unless you culled the “rhizomes”. Plus, the Lupilin in hops is really insanely bitter. It’s why they use it in beers because it cuts the syrupy flavor of the wort and balances the sugar flavor out.

I can’t figure out what the benefit would be to cross the two, other than they are cousins genetically speaking.


Your plants look very nice. Congrats on getting three to germinate. I hope you can grow them outside.
I am further south along the Sandia mountains. 35N at 5000 feet. America’s Afghanistan.
KalySeeds used Humulus Scandens(japonicus) and doesn’t contain Lupilin.


The point of the cross to me, is the vine mostly. I imagine vines that have real buds on them. Probably lots of backcrossing and recoping the vine for that to happen. 2ndary reason is just to incorporate new unknown genes. And cause weird genetics keep this all interesting for me. There could end up being other unknown benefits too. I dont know much about hops to know if its more cold, drought, or bug tolerant, but things along that vein. Maybe the offspring will even grow back in the spring without replanting. If nothing comes of it, its something to do. I’d get super bored just growing the same old plants for production.


I would like to see hops and cannabinoids on the plant. Maybe somehow combine them. The ever bearing trait would also be great!

Haha, cross it to a haze :grin:.

…fractional distillation…:beers:


Looks like your chances of getting some pollen eventually went up :slight_smile: I feel stupid for overwatering the last one. It already wasn’t doing great cause of coming up so late. But it seems to be hanging in there. I got it dried up to a reasonable level, and shes still growing, so I just slowed it down.

Lately I’ve been back on general hydroponic 3 part food. The ugly leaves showed up from one of 3 things. Switched to the veg mix around the same time I got the right micro gh food. I had the regular one, but am using tap water with cal and mag in it, so got the hard water version of the micro. Its worked better here in the past, so I think its the veg food. Went back to 2.2.2 instead of 3.2.1, and they seem to be happier again. OR, I simply got off with ph at some point, which is possible because I use drops to check ph, so its not perfect.


My two biggest ones are starting to flower under 20 hours of light per day. Both females. 3rd one is still just hanging on to life for the most part. I guess I’m just gonna flip the closet and see if they take regular pollen for me.
That big one is drinking and growing like crazy. Been cutting it back.

I can understand the big one flowering from being in a smallish pot, but the middle sized one is too, and it isn’t even big. I double checked the timer, and all looks good there.


They definitely look good! :yum:


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Wonderful looking plants. Really nice growth structure.

I just attempted pollination for the 3rd time. I had pollen from 7 males mixed. It looks like the pollen takes, and the tips of the pistols shrivel, but then it stops. So the pistols ends end up wrinkled up, but the bases don’t. I’ll try to get better pics later. So on some buds I tried what I saw corn breeders do in a video once, and cut the pistols. In half on some, removed on others, and even removed a few so deep as to cut into the bud structure a bit. Then I went ruff with the pollen. Just trying whatever I can think of, and trying to force something to happen. But my hopes aren’t high.
I got mutant pollen dropping soon, that I’m going to use on the medium sized vine. The smallest vine is under a T-8 and seems to be doing a little better. I was probably pushing it to hard to soon. No clones have made it for me. But I suck at clones kinda, so its not saying much.


wish I had a mac1 cut. People say that its a triploid or something weird. Maybe that would work.

Nice looking plants. I had the same thing happen when i pollinated the flowers. I knew the pollen was viable because everything else i used the pollen on produced viable seeds. As another had noted, maybe male Legitimo pollen will be effective on female cannabis flowers. I dunno?
By the way, the Legitimo cloned easily for me.


Oh man! How does one get in on this project, my next venture is brewing beer and really love to get in on these babies! Anyone got some seeds floating around?

You can buy them from a German company. I think it has been established in the thread that these are GMO fyi…


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Gmo don’t bother me for something like this, any links to direct me too?

Search Kaly Seeds :slightly_smiling_face:.


Man I missed this whole thread. I’m still catching up but I still have those seeds