CANNA/HOPS Let’s grow it together

Wow that really looks like nettles

Well we have to be skeptical after that cannabinoid test. There is a guy on Instagram that grows legitimo. I’ll find him and then I lose him and find him again after some time. I’ll see if I can’t track him down and find out if he has found anything potent

I think anything coming from Kaly Seeds specifically potency is irrelevant, ie: because it is GMO, Kaly can make it more potent…

There is a fine line here though…I mean what is the point so to speak? … Is legitimo going to be the next big haze inspired line?

Laymen’s philosophy would have me to believe it is a new sub-species of cannabis :slightly_smiling_face:.


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For me I imagine vines of cannabis growing on every trail I hike lol. For guerrilla grows in illegal states you might not have to dig a really deep hole, Nor a big one. It will sprawl on top of whatever is growing next to it once it gets big enough.


That’s because you’re growing a hops vine. It’s not a cannabis hybrid, just hops. Cannabis can’t pollinate hops, hops can’t pollinate cannabis.

The fact is, this is all bullshit.
Cannabis and hops hybrids do not exist, and that’s the truth.

The visual similarities between hops and cannabis, plus rumors and misinformation have been confusing growers for YEARS.

As early as the 1970’s there was a misconception that if a hops vine was grafted onto cannabis roots, the hops cones would produce thc. This is not and has never been true. People thought that cannabis resin was sap that was produced by the roots. Of course we all know this is completely wrong. Hops vines also produce resin, so when people grafted hops and saw resin, they assumed it was psychoactive.

This myth is the basis of the misconception that cannabis and hops can by hybridized. They cannot.

Earlier in this thread, jetdro even mentions this technique.

As allotment pointed out, hops will give you a buzz if you smoke them. They contain high levels of terpenes like myrcene, which is also produced by cannabis.

People who mistakenly believe that they are growing a cannabis and hops hybrid are actually just getting a slight buzz from the terpene content, and recognize that sensation from the terpenes produced by cannabis.

All of the photos in this thread are just ordinary hops vines.

Seriously people, wise up already. This is ridiculous.
Kaly seeds is a scam.

Stop wasting your time, stop throwing your money in the trash.


I have an early 1970’s grow guide that includes a section where the authors thought you can graft hops onto cannabis roots to produce psychoactive hops. I’ll post a photo.

When you all see just how misguided these growers were, and how all their techniques were based on misconceptions,

You’ll all realize that the idea of combining or hybridizing cannabis and hops is simply laughable.


Unfortunately, at this point, I tend to agree with the party pooper. It just looks like hops. I’ve come this far, so I’m going to wait a little while on the big one, but I pulled the middle sized one out of the closet yesterday for space. I cut it back and put it under a t8 for now

The only thing that looks different than pics of japanese hop online is the pistols. But maybe they are already gone on most online pics? I’d expect a hybrid to look a lot more weed like than these cones do


So I’m not trying to get on a soapbox, but I believe Kaly Seeds claims it is a hybrid that was produced in a plant lab using standard GMO techniques…are you saying their claim is untrue?


I’m not sure if your asking me or zephyr, but I’m certainly not going so far as to call anybody a lier. Maybe they thought a cross happened that didn’t. Or maybe I’m wrong. I’ll say I’m not as hopeful as I was before I grew some.


It looks like the original Legitimo hybrid may have had more cannabis looking leaves? from these photos taken in 2012.

Not my plants ^^ . What do you think.

In the photo with the variegated humulus leaf, it is grafted onto cannabis it appears.

Next there’s a photo of female cannabis flowering with a male humulus vine grafted onto it?


So far from what I got from this story and another like it over on ICMF is that Legitimo (Purple Star X Jap hop) are hybrids by the very animal kingdom definition. So like mules, it can happen between two species but backcrossing it like in this post (male on female)will not result in any reproduction, although the mule is a bit more complex than how it sounds as this plant is able to breed with its self which mules can’t but other hybrids like ligers can (but they can also backcross but legitimo cant so it’s weird)

Also Zephyr is a major buzz kill but he does prove the most convincing arguments and is very blunt with what he knows, yet I would like to note that he has not actually to have smoked the strain. And the from what I have read the strain doesn’t boast about being top dollar smokes or even dispo-mids with a 5-8% MAX being reported from the website listings. Now he thinks that the buzz you get from it can be contributed to the terpenes in the hop plant that are already there but as we know everyone’s high is a bit different and everyone is a different person when on a buzz so I think one would know the difference between the two in their body with one being a body…effect/stimulation, not to say ppl are huffing straight myrcene, but THC is literally psychoactive and produces these chemicals in your brain (yeah, at a lower rate then normal with this plant). But something I heard from an old head went something along the lines “if something is low in THC just take another hit!”

Again this is more like mule, but unlike a mule, it can breed with it’s other kind and we just have to make the best version of this plant. ALL BEING SAID I AM NOT ENTIRELY SOLD ON IT HAVING THC, I can already see a future where the story comes out that the legitimo was well… not legit, no. And I will be upset but I got them as a freebie as there is so much stigma around the strain. Most likely by the same guy if anyone got theirs from strainly but I won’t out him as he seems to permanently take the listing down but it could be because he just released regular jap hops as a quick cash grab and is now getting the wave of hate he was expecting, but the very creation of the strain too as yeah hop x cannabis is not as simple as it sounds and I think the entire pedigree is a farce as to get people to go on a wild goose chase so as to not have people go out and try random Jap Hops and/or give them a reason to keep bring over an invasive species. Another thing I was wondering to was why was nature not okay with any other cannabis x hops hybrid in the past 1000 or so years but is now recently okay with it but ONLY with Purple Star…yah sure. However, like most skeptical people, I have yet to smoke any buds. I will test and report via grow-diary once they arrive in the mail. On top of that, I can’t find any photos of COA anywhere about the seeds, and those that do claim to send it in ended up testing for no THC. I got the seeds before reading any forums yet I’m still hopeful for any THC to show maybe not in a COA as their tech seems to be too specific in testing cannabinoids and not calibrated to test THC in hops so really the only low-budget hope I got is to get a THC pee tester stripes and dunk the buds to see if they have the slightest bit of THC. And then there is the good ol’ press extraction method but I’m not too sure about the science of the plant so I’m not sure if the THC content is stored in the resin of the hops but where else am I right?


@redxrebel I’ll be watching. :face_with_monocle: Good luck.


I made the big one sad. She doesn’t seem to like flowering food either. I also dried her out a little to much once. They can eat a lot once they get going, but i think they really just like medium food NPK wise, and maybe ph wise too. I got other regular plants flowering and they were sharing food for a lil while.

She tried to make seeds. Not sure what to think of that. Guess she aborted them. A couple looked a little bigger, and green, so I’m letting her live as long as I can. But I dont think she’s going to actually finish any seeds. I think she knows what I tried to trick her into doing.

in this next one, you can see a couple little brown aborted seeds still in the cone

random cluster

I tried to graft a wedding cake onto the medium ones stalk, but it started draining tons of nasty snot out of the graft, then the top died after a few days. I still have the little one tho, who is happy and flowering under 24h t8 lighting. I’m trying to decide what to do with her. Thinking about a sts reversal sense shes flowering anyway. If that pollen doesn’t work on a reg female, then I’ll probably give up on this. Got to much other cool stuff i wanna do. I had some other ideas to see if they’d take pollen under stress, or light manipulation, or just later in flower(then reveg for seeds to finish), but if they auto there’s far less options to try weird stuff.
Heres the little one that was struggling for so long


What did you use to pollinate her?

newberryXtangie backcrossed to tangie. I had a group of 6 or 7 males in solo cups and used the mix of pollen. Then later tried again with multileafXfreakshow F2 pollen from a male I saved from last summer. So she had some variety.


Idk why my small legitimo plants are flowering so soon. Sometimes the seedlings abort entirely. because the early flowering cancels the vegetative growth.


My legitimo seedling started making pollen 6 days ago so I placed it next to an Australian cannabis female. The ABC pistils turned orange and seeds are forming. The ABC female plant is about 10 cm tall and the legitimo is about 25cm length.


I really, really, really hope you get seeds.


Hi all! Where can i get legitimo seeds?
A few years ago, when I saw it on the Kaly Seeds page, I really wanted to buy it, but it was out of stocks. I just remembered to check if there is already a stock, but now out of stocks.

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@Tulpa I bought mine on Strainly last year. Unfortunately, they’re no longer available on Strainly.

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