Cannabiogen seeds

Happy new year everyone!! Any update if he would mail to the US? Thank you

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My bad!
Yeah he’ll send with tracking to US and accept PayPal.
As soon as i have a response i’ll DM the details to the OG’s interested.


I was willing to reproduce this year the destroyer I got, seeing some were already selling “F2” for the price of the original, without even really mentioning CBG in the description. Would be cool if others were willing to reproduce kaiki’s work and spread it. I believe it really deserves it.


Thank you, eagerly awaiting!

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I think the same way - these genetics need to be preserved, but to sell it is a different thing.
So if your intention is to make F2’s for selling - please ask Rafa directly if he agrees on it.

With or without mentioning a Breeder - Selling F2’s full price , to me, means a lack of respect & that this person is too stupid to make own stuff.


aha nop I’m not interested in selling them, that’s not why I’m here :smiley:

colorado sativa has some, but they do sell at a good price point, and credit the original breeder. That is a much more fair attitude to me. They do not ship to EU though (but I guess we could find a way).

CSI has some too and gives back money to Charlie, which is cool.

My idea was to spread them so greedy people go to hell :smiley: I guess as long as Rafa sell them it can’t really be a co-op run yet (some other unavailable strains could though), but it does not really prevent privately spreading a bit some F2 meanwhile neither. I’ll ask rafa what he thinks and if he knows what Charlie does.

There’s another thread about the ghana here


DM with further info’s incoming @Tykal @j0ebob @Faithisyours @royal :green_heart:

In case anybody else want to order some off the list i’ve posted, please write me a DM!

Have a blessed sunday y’all :green_heart: :beers:


gladiator boss


Can’t DM yet Captain, but I have an interest in a pack of the Durban.

Shoot me a DM so I can reply.


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Rafa’s contacts are over there: Cannabis Online


Thank you!


Behind CBG there were several people producing seeds and making selections… one of the main ones was a renowned seed producer and was also producing works and maintaining mother stock for Mario Bellandi from Delicatessen and other companies, but he was busted 3 year ago when the Dinafem raids happened in North Spain and many seed producers fell. He lost everything and stopped growing.

The other main one left CBG after some differences with Charlie and set up his own company, Vida Verde Seeds, he had a thread on ICMag but dissapeared: Vida Verde Seeds | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

During these years, I have worked practically with the entire Cannabiogen catalog. In fact, since I stopped working for Cannabiogen, as far as I know, no new work has been developed. It was a pleasure to work with plants such as PCK, Sandstorm, Taskenti, Panamá DC, Michoacan Spirit, Deep Chunk, among others such as Colombian or Mexican plants. You can see photos on IG on the Vida Verde Seeds account, and from now on, I will be posting here when I have free time.

Rafa from Cannabisonline was also doing seeds and so was Nachillooo from ICMAG, who did the Durban repro and the last Red Snake work that was released as well, as the Tolima Colombian within the Red Snake was from him.

Estai lived very close to me, he was one of the original founders and usually was producing Bangi Haze, Leshaze and Destroyer work. Although most of the latest Destroyer stock was made from a cut a grower called MR T from the CannabisCafe forums selected and sent to Charlie Garcia after he asked him for the cut. CBG also tried to obtain the Desfran cut from South America in order to use it.

To my information, Charlie wasn’t breeding much within the past few years. He was mostly testing different stuff and doing personal projects and repros like the latest reproduction he did of Kanga’s MM and Oaxaca hybrids. I visited his garden many times and used to have lunch with him and chat about breeding and different projects. I’ve came to realize most breeding work was actually done by the seed producers he was hiring.



That is very interesting. I live in an isolated area and have only gotten access to the internet in the last 3 years. I had absolutely no idea how the seed industry worked. After talking to Gypsy Nirvanna and Wally and several others I can see that breeding is an adventurous lifestyle. You fellows are like my old drinking buddies. Very entertaining. :rainbow:


Yeah sounds like Charlies was mostly coordinating several people and using CBG to sell those beans. He was more something like a community manager trying to bond people and being a official forefront with the CBG brand. At the end of CBG, I felt that people like JGL were doing a lot of the work. But Charlie seem to have been thinking about quitting since a while before he actually did it.

I still have a few tester crosses from mario from the cannabisonline era, they’re starting to be old, I want to try to preserve that. There will be some soon. :slight_smile:


I used to drool over panama x DC photos. Plants looked so good and very unique. Wish I had a few of those to run. Anybody growing it now?


Thanks very much for providing more context and coloring the provenance of various lines/cultivars.

Many of the long time flowering lines that came out of cannabiogen deserve to be preserved IMO, but i guess that’s my bias speaking…love the medicinal quality of those wispy ones!

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I would love to get jamaican blue mountain back. I had a pack that I bought but I sent to someone to reproduce more seed but they never did :pensive: if anyone knows where that might be found I would love to have another chance to get it

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I don’t know if it’s still available publicly. There’s some crosses that are still sold though. Rafa mentioned above is still selling the caribe line, and underground seed collective still sells the doublejam iirc.

Yea I’d say not. It was limited in availability originally from Charlie’s collection as far as I know. Oh well, we’ll see if it comes around down the line

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IIRC the JBM has been maintained by a lot of people, not just Charlie, and there are lots of different lines. I bet there’s still a lot of beans in private collections, maybe they’ll resurface sometimes.