Cannabis banking legislation

Looks like this is finally going to go thru this will really boost big money taking over the cannabis industry.

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damn, i was reading that as it disappeared…

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Quite the opposite. Now people can get loans to start cannabis buissinesses. The status quo is either have a couple mill to start your own farm from scratch, get a group together and co op your grow op, or get fucked.


All they had to do is make cannabis federally legal. Banks would have been a solved problem.


Baby steps. :sunglasses: :metal:


While it is a SMALL step in the proper direction, all it did was pass committee. There is still a LONG way to go. After reading many articles on the banking committee passage, it still seems that some of these Senators are still clueless, and some of the amendments are downright ridiculous.
A lot of them keep bringing up money laundering,.
Well, seems like they don’t understand that EVERY state that it’s legal in has to use a system such as METRC, seed to sale tracking. With seed to sale tracking it’s going to be VERY hard to launder any illegal money.
One dispensary compared to another is already tracked at the state level by METRC, so there can’t be huge monetary discrepancies from place to place, yes, there will be differences, but talking in terms of dollars, 1,000’s, not 100’s of thousands and millions like some of these senators keep spewing, like Senator Haggerty of Tennessee, who’s amendment was ruled “out of order” and thrown in the trash can.
My opinion is why is this old codger even concerned about it, because it impacts his constituents and state in no way shape or form, because marijuana is still illegal in Tennessee.
24 states have legalized “recreational” marijuana, and 38 states have “medical” instituted.
We as Americans need to contact our Representatives in Washington, let your voices be heard, and sway this to actually pass and quit getting held up in the Senate. The House of Representative has passed this damn thing 7 or 8 times already and it hits the Senate, and sits with Nothing done.
I’ve been in contact NUMEROUS times to my Senators office, and let my concerns be heard, and it does do good, as it will help them realize that their constituents WANT change, and this SAFER Banking Act, is a step in the direction that we as pot smokers are wanting, a step towards rescheduling and legalization.
Sorry for the Rant folks.


Never forget, an executive order started the war on drugs, and one could just as easily end it.


except they don’t work for us, they work for donors, huge donors. if they worked for us, the majority that approves of legalization would have been listened to already. it was around 70% last i heard.

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