The Cannabis Question?


I guess this is progress :man_shrugging: but still seems lacking to me. PBS must need a ratings boost :joy:


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That documentary is a couple of years old now, but it was the newest I could find.

Sadly with all of the progress of medicinal cannabis and research it seems the mainstream media is either overwhelmed by all of the data or has lost interest.


or are being paid off by one side or the other…

with ~70% support from americans there is no shortage of interest. could be too much data to sift through, but when was the last time that stopped them from a story (the getting it wrong because they jumped before they knew what they were talking about)? too much money in it now to be left to the will of the people, we need govt intervention because they know what’s good for us.


This problem was created in DC (federal law) and must end there. In 2024 we are just wasting our research time and funds won on lawyers, lobbyist and politicians there …

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yeah, but that’s a political argument and frowned upon. we all know which side is against us and have been from the get go, but now it’s hard to tell since that side is very much driven by greed. too much money involved in it right now for anything good to come of it. maybe after the well dries up and all the easy money leaves we can work out a deal that benefits us. until then, good luck with it…


That’s not true about a specific side. Neither side has legalized cannabis federally. All they do is talk, talk, talk.

And now, reducing its position on the Schedule is probably just going to slow things down even more.


oh but it is true, but i don’t want to go much more in depth about specifics. that’ll get me banned if keep it up or do it on purpose. you can read about it though, some on the cannabis current events threads show a distinct bias to some of it, but that’s not federal. federally the other side is moving towards schedule 3, which while not a perfect solution like descheduling would be, is still a step in the right direction. and it may indeed slow things down a bit, but it’ll get there, eventually all these old piss ants will die off.

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The thing about publicans is that they care about two things: votes and money. Right now, big pharm is still paying, I guess.


man, that’s all any of them care about above a certain level. and yes, you can follow the money.


Ya know, that what I used to think also.
Big pharma/big tobacco(which tobacco is fading).
Gotta be.
Though this is not entirely true. I encourage y’all to do your own research on the subject.
It’s been a while since I’ve looked into it, so I could be wrong.
Read about CoreCivic, formerly the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). The majority of prisons in the United States are private. They keep a lot of of beds full with minor offenders.
I think they lobby the hardest.


Oh yeah, there’s definitely that lobby. I forgot all about contract prisons.

There is an academic term for this government corruption you speak of:


Seems like both sides are against us, personally. :roll_eyes: Or rather, both sides are using the issue however they please, and couldn’t care less about us other than getting our votes to increase their own personal power. It’s nice to believe one side are the good guys, though. I wish I could.


Absolutely right that both sides are against us for some of the same, and some different reasons. But I have to believe that sometime soon they’re going to come to the realization that they can no longer gain reelection without restoring our rights to own and use nature in any way we deem appropriate.

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If you were to spend any time down on K Street (the lobbying district) in DC and witnessed the relationships of what you may believe are opposing special interests, you would not only be surprised but truly enlightened IMHO

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we don’t agree on much but there’s no way to deny this…