Cannabis bred to induce Paranoia and Anxiety

Mass Medical Strains is dropping the Anaphylaxis strain soon and I found it very interesting as it’s been selected specifically to induce a “bad” trip type of experience. I find this type of against the grain breeding really interesting! What do other overgrowers think?



I thought no one liked the grower and he was out of business :man_shrugging:


Sounds like propaganda… don’t believe anything from that breeder


If its true I’d love to try it


@sct2020 Me too! I love cannabis’ scary side! Sometimes I want to be taken for a ride.


Idk I thought the guy from Indian Landrace Exchange really seems to support him. Lots of controversy about the breeder it seems!


sounds like old school stuff, i might order it

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The guy probably sent Indian landrace exchange some seeds. Why did this guy have a bad reputation? Have you seen the Balochistan offering…" feeling of impending doom"? It may be added to The Freaker’s list shortly, and if I were looking for something with a scary hi, I think I would pick this one because it’s true breeding and if I make seed I will get more of the same…but the one you are talking about does sound interesting for sure if its not hype.

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@Upstate That is the most interesting sounding effect :face_with_monocle:
And there was a big stir a few months back that he had stolen a strain I think so he quit the industry and then unquit the next day. The whole thing was weird.


It’s really an awful description when you think about it, but immediately I wanted it LOL.


@District_Flora is the one who has that Baluchistan. He was looking to get a hundred seeds in exchange for someone growing it. He had been talking about donating it to The Freaker’s for that reason. You should get in touch with him. One thing though, it’s from a very dry region, so you either have to grow it indoors, or live in a dry region to have success with this one.

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impending doom sounds like anxiety for me, dont need to smoke for that lol

hmmm, impending doom reminds me of some of the best i smoked.
The best i smoked was pure Sativa, but on the third Place there comes that deep indica (unknown Strain), with a high gravity sensation. Was a very good eperience.
I sat there for the whole flash in kind of a reflective State, like i couldnt moove, not like anxiety, like said high gravity, mystical, and: i think i felt the impending doom if i recall right.
but it was not a bad feel, i knew all the time its only a feel i got from the Smoke, not a true feeling.

That joint was cool

Was quiet anxietyfree aswell…

But yeah, back on topic for anxietyweed.

I also can say, old Thai was scary, but no fear…no Anxiety. Like youre on a ghosttrain, like you have no controll, being pushed around. and electric.

Reading the Title i can imagine thats what would actually be wished for, and not the anxiety, atleast a good candidate. Ok, Paranoiainducing i could call it, but the spiritual feel was then abit opposed to a propper paranoia… I stick with : Thai is scary, spooky.

For me propper anxiety and paranoia seems to need some hybridisation, opposed to the Strains i named. But again, there is something i liked more, the said Strains, those were good, they gave me what i think you aim for, that propper spook…

edit: i forgot, on thai i even vomited… no alcohol needed, just strong weed
(sonds horrible, but it was due to confusing the sky with earth, wich irritated my sense of balance, and then it turned upsidedown, not so bad) . was really not bad, cause it was a very cool evening overall