Cannabis Classroom - A Place of Discovery

This is more of an advanced class that is for OGrs looking to take their game to the next level.
I could not simply answer this with a link to the best info I could find. It took a deep dive, and not one but three links, and a couple personal notes I didn’t see in the Intel.
First off, start off with this:
[Start By Reading This] (

A second link that I couldn’t pass up is found here, I have a lot of respect for Jorge Cervantes, and if you get the chance you should read his book and check out his videos.
And finally I found this from the good folks at cannaconnection. They have a great blog, so you will want to read this too.

My notes: I found that the best time to pollinate is between day 21 and 29 of flowering
And, although I have not personally verified this, research has shown that pollinating closer to the main stalk will produce larger and more robust seeds. You may want to experiment with this personally, as it is, as I mentioned, a personal note.
Blessings upon your harvest. Have an OG day.
