Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Yeah, once they institute that, no way do I ever consume anything from a dispensary.


Researchers from the University of the Mediterranean in Marseille, France have found tenuous evidence that suggest a virus common to peppers, the Pepper Mild Mottle Virus may have moved on to infect humans. This is a very rare and highly unlikely event as, to enter a cell and replicate, a virus must ā€œbind to a receptor on its surface, and a plant virus would be highly unlikely to recognize a receptor on a human cell. One possibility is that the virus does not infect human cells directly. Instead, the naked viral RNA may alter the function of the cells through a mechanism similar to RNA interference, in which the presence of certain RNA sequences can turn genes on and off,ā€ according to Virologist Robert Garry from the Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana

Just something to think about.


These are very good questionsā€¦ :thinking:
From the articleā€¦
By bonding to the plant
How does it bond?
Can those bonds be broken?
Will it then rebond with something else?
Will it be cumulative in the human body?

Itā€™s not that unusual to have an officer trained in some particular area testifying (as to their training and to what they observed). They would probably have to qualify as an expert witness in order to get their opinion past objections from the defense. Itā€™s possible a court might accept expert testimony from such an officer though itā€™s unlikely to happen without a fight.


Yeah, makes sense.

Phylos Bioscience co-founder and CEO Mowgli Holmes confirms that the molecular tags are not unsafe for human digestion.

You can trust Mowgli he would never lieā€¦LOL

Oh come on that is just fear-mongeringā€¦ :astonished:
Really, I agree with yaā€¦seems so does she. :wink:

Larisa Bolivar, the executive director of the Cannabis Consumers Coalition ā€” a Colorado-based non-profit working to represent patients and adult use consumers, says she personally wouldnā€™t consume cannabis that had any additives sprayed on it.

ā€œThe thought of it alone ā€” whether itā€™s safe or not ā€” just the thought of an additive when we are trying to reduce additives is a turn off to me,ā€ Bolivar says. ā€œIt is unnecessary. I personally will not consume cannabis that has additives on it.ā€


Since dispensaries are last resorts for me any way, itā€™s not such a burden. :wink:

Also, there would be no legal way to claim any cannabis was organic with a DNA tag as it would violate the definitions of ā€œOrganicā€ Since my preferred growing methodology is living soil, I already despise what comes from dispensaries.


Nearest I can tell, this may be used in Canada already, not sure though.
I would look into Tilray, they are partnered up with this tech and seem to have invested several millions into it already.

Applied DNA Announces Exclusive Cannabis Licensing and Cooperation Agreement with TheraCann

I believe TheraCann is now Tilray.

Who is the largest shareholder of Tilray?

Top Shareholders

The Vanguard Group, Inc. Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. BlackRock, Inc. BMO Asset Management Corp.

It all seems pretty hush-hush, I can not find much on this topic. :thinking:


Another reason to never patronize any dispensary.
Overgrowing is the very best way to obtain delightful flowers. I have yet to venture into any dispensary, and I most likely never will. I have been self-sufficient for quite a long time, and I have been stockpiling some of my preferred flowers for my upcoming dotage, when I will no longer be able to grow my own delectable flowers. However, I should have enough put aside by then to last through my impending senescence, regardless.
I am sadly resigned to the fact that I will never live to see the advent of true freedom, which is simply the unregulated ability to grow what I want to grow for my own enjoyment.

This is a very basic and simple concept, which remains largely verboten.

Oh well. Overgrow.


Iā€™m in the same boat with you, @Calyxander . :+1: Never been to a dispensary, never plan to go to one, in part because I suspect that would put me on ā€œa listā€ Iā€™d rather not be on. My plan is to grow enough for my own consumption, and save it for an uncertain future (mostly as tincture for long term storage).


Now excepting bribes I mean gratuities to pass on to current and future members of congress. Who may need a new Mercedes,a little extra spending cash or some gold bullion to put away for a Rainey day

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I will not consume anything from a dispo anyway


I keep all bribes for myself. I earned them.


Lots of vegetables, fruit and spices, modulate RNA switching genes and our immune system on and off in a positive way as well as negatively like with processed foods, as well as affecting our mitochondrial dna.


Funny stuff, thanks for posting :rofl:
Not funny for the greenhouse owner though. :grimacing:

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Make a lot of hash. It keeps well and itā€™s easier to store in a smaller, harder to find spot. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve started doing.
They set a plant count. They set a limit to what I can have available at any given timeā€¦ and they might change their rules at any time regardless of the peopleā€™s wishes.
Iā€™m going to make it tough to find and, hopefully, Iā€™ll have enough meds that way to last a good long while.


Thanks for the thoughtful tip, I forgot about making hash because I very much prefer flowers.
I have been vacuum sealing my favorite flowers and storing them in the freezer.
However, I think that Itā€™ll certainly be worthwhile to make some hash from my next harvest, as it sure is less bulky and much easier to hide, and it will be an excellent backup to my buds.

I have been growing for a very long time, and only ever in draconian, fully illegal states.


You are most welcome @Calyxander .